Saturday, July 22, 2023

Dr Rabies in Drag for the old Malden Access Television Urban Tarts Media Fundraiser....they'll be lining up for that one ....


WHY doesn't Ms. Taylor recuse herself from her position at MATV (i simply can't get used to the new name for the station, as dysfunctional a name as their board of directors inept and bungling,) while running for office? Politicians use access television to promote themselves, which gives Ari Taylor an extremely unfair advantage, given her past history of censoring people she does not like.

Ari Taylor: a serious threat to the Malden Community. This vicious woman, Ms. Taylor, has an ego seven times the ego of former E.D. of Malden Access Television, Ron Cox. Currently I have a Public Records Request in to Malden Mayor Gary Christenson as during the 2023 campaign I intend to expose Ari Taylor as the alleged fraud that this investigative reporter believes that she is. Ari now runs the highly dysfunctional Urban Media Arts, so corrupt and disgusting that they had to change their name from Malden Access Television. Ex board members engaging in harassment and stalking, allegations of someone sexually harassing a third board member, it is creepy and frightening, especially if one of the stalkers, found liable in civil court, is teaching the children. The avowed lesbian who knows how to use a rifle had a bloody meat cleaver over the head of her homosexual victim which put the judge in a rage in Somerville District Court. Ari lost the election two years ago, no surprise, but her fragile ego from her low-self image (her slovenly appearance would never appear in a Jenny Craig advertisement) is what drives her, not public service but self service. The limited public figure (limited, as a court determined in a case that humiliated Dawn Natalia of Medford's access station, in a similar position to Ms. Taylor, ) is pure evidence why the shutdown of certain bad access stations, funded by cable subscribers, a dwindling group of consumers learning to cut the cord, is imperative. There are some great access stations out there who proudly keep their original name. Urban Media Arts is such a walking horror show that they had to come up with a name that had nothing to do with television, the former Malden Access Television. They are in my focus for their censorship, abuse of producers, threats against a producer, extortion by Ron Cox - the former E.D. - who threatened a producer who helped him for two decades, and made good on his threat. Mayor Christenson is well aware of the charade, and I will be lobbying my friend the Mayor to clean house as I forced his colleague, former Mayor McGlynn to do in 2013. If Urban Media Arts doubts my resolve, and my effectiveness, well - good - all the better. Their colleague, Dr. Rabies, told the late Johnny Byers that Joe Viglione is "deadly" when it comes to investigating corrupt access television stations. My focus is on cleaning house at Urban Media Arts, and if the fish rots at the head, it's time to go fishing for failed politician and "real estate mogul" (in her mind) Ari Taylor. Why they are hiring drag queens for their fund raiser is a big question because Ari Taylor is the biggest spectacle in Malden, and not in a good way. Wretched old Dr Rabies in drag is not something you want to shell out money for....ha! To be Continued.