In my freshman year in college, I met a very beautiful young lady. Not to date myself, but a new Prince album had come out, and she asked if I wanted to come over to listen to it. I was totally intrigued. Here was a slightly older, very good looking women, who had a job, a car, her own place, and the same taste in music. I thought what did I do to deserve this. Well, while listening to the album and after a couple of glasses of wine, she began to open. Which led to the bombshell that in her past, she had tried to commit suicide. This totally blew my mind, and at that age I didn't know how to respond correctly. But all deals were off. I was just trying to get out of her apartment as fast as I could. Of course, she never spoke to me again. Which was OK with me. But over the years, I have learned how to deal with people with mental issues, that I didn't know then. But in my mind, you don't start a romantic relationship with someone with mental issues, unless you are sure you can handle it. And I'm still not able to. Hope this isn't what happened here, but it seems like one of them had personal issues.
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