Sunday, March 2, 2014

Nell Escobar Coakley Fumbles Badly; hitches her wagon to Arthur Deluca


Nell Coakley screws up big time!

Promotes fraud "write-in" candidate...hey, Nell, dahling... point of information - there were 57,000 write-in candidates in Medford, each who could obtain more signatures than the slob you put on the front page!

(Look at the photo!  Deluca in his "Sunday best."  HA!!!)


Thank you, Nell Coakley

However, we have to thank Nell, sincerely.  You see, her incompetence got on record what Deluca really feels about P/E/G - that it should be shut down.

That quote, and the paper itself, will be posted in the hallway of our NEW access station as a lesson about a fraud board member.

It is pure FRAUD to sit on a board of directors on a PUBLICLY FUNDED non-profit which has a mandate to PROVIDE ACCESS TV, only to give the middle finger to the cable TV subscribers, as Nell Coakley's pal Arthur did, and to deliver COLOR BARS on Comcast and a blank screen on VERIZON.


- DeLuca added if elected, finding a mayoral appointee for TV3’s Board of Directors would be no problem because he would sit on the board himself


Community access
DeLuca, who currently sits on the embattled community access station TV3’s Board of Directors, said if he is elected mayor, he will eliminate funding for public, education and governmental (PEG) access stations and instead steer those dollars to the city’s general budget.
“I would want to do away with PEG channels so the money can come to the city,” said DeLuca. “You could still use that money to fund education at the high school — teach them how to put video on the Internet. We’d be freeing up the money to do other things with it.”
With initiatives like the Comcast Project Open Voice program, DeLuca said PEG access could go the way of the Internet and free up some extra dollars for the city.


So THANK YOU and SPANK YOU Nell Coakley.  You hitched your wagon to the bag man of, no, no, not the criminal delivery guy who puts a bag of cash in the stash to be picked up later, the BAG MAN, as in, a clod who walks around with a 2 wheel shopping cart and looks like the lecherous creepy individual from Rowan & Martin's LAUGH IN who would pull frequent "Jim Marzilli Hypomania" episodes

Will DeLuca plead the HYPOMANIA defense and will Nell Coakley be his attorney?

On June 6, 2008 the Boston Herald reported that Marzilli was admitted to a psychiatric hospital.[24] On August 5, 2008 his wife, Susan Shaer, mailed a letter to supporters explaining that he had been diagnosed as suffering from bipolar disorder and the recent events in Marzilli's life had taken place during a period of hypomania.[25]