Monday, November 26, 2018

Councilor Michael Marks Claims He Didn't Feel State Rep Donato's Ass Grab at VFW!!!!!

1,280,643 @ 7:22 am

Dear Sgt Schultz and Martha Coakley -

NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Patterson’s groin grab was the most notable moment from the Week 12 clash even if Anderson didn’t feel it.

What does Henry Anderson have in common with the Iraqi army?

Both were up close to Patriots' missiles!!!!

Jets’ Henry Anderson Apparently Didn’t Feel Cordarrelle Patterson Grab His Groin ...meanwhile Michael Marks purportedly said that he "didn't feel" state reprobate Donato allegedly grab his ass the week before Donato put an exclamation point on it by grabbing Marks' groin on October 15, 2017 at the high school in front of two little children and a student, with mayor Burke laughing at the sex stunt.  Martha Coakley is supposed to be investigating wrongful sex on Beacon Hill.  We sent her the Sgt. Schultz dear Martha our dear knows "nothing, nothing."  Sees "nothing nothing"  hears "nothing, nothing."  What a joke.

Why did Patterson feel the need to squeeze a man’s private parts? Did he actually mean to? Why didn’t Anderson retaliate or react at all?
Well, Patterson cleared up his end of the ordeal after the game by admitting he employed the tactic because he didn’t want Anderson’s junk in his face.
As for Anderson, normally when someone grabs at a handful of the family jewels it warrants a response but that’s only if you know it’s happening.

Only the drunk hairdresser and Susan
Crowley know for sure!!!!