Monday, April 29, 2019

Let's Talk Trump

1,342,047 @ 10:43 am
127 since 8 pm last night

Having a news media is ultra important to keep city government honest.

Of course Mark E. Rumley attacks this blog with everything he's got, because Medford has the other media tightly controlled, they have for decades.

I am their worst nightmare because they hide things.

Well, citizens shouldn't have to hunt for documents as if they are Easter eggs.

Trump attacks the media with a vengeance, so did Richard Nixon and so does Mark Rumley.

Attacking the media means that those political types against transparency

Here's a good site for Trump's poor approval ratings

A very nice lady over at Medford Housing Authority told me to tone down my anti-Trump rhetoric

Honey, Trump is an abuser, so stay away from abusers

It's a slippery slope when an unpopular president blames the media. There is so much "media" that when someone makes a broad blanket statement "the corrupt media" they mix the evil and corrupt Fox News with all the honest reporters. Fox News isn't even an American company and just wants to disrupt the flow. In Danny "Not the Varsity Coach" xxxxxx and Bob Cxxxxxminds anything that doesn't conform to the poison they've been fed by the unpopular president is "misinformation." They cannot see the forest for the trees. 56 % disapprove of Trump this week 39 percent approve the fake news of Rasmussen reports him at 49 approve and 49 disapprove, which is ludicrous, Fox News has Trump at 45, so if you want to talk about fake news, there you have it. Trump lies - Fox News and Rasmussen enable his lies, but the reality when you combine all the other media is that Trump's approval is in the toilet and those who turn a blind eye to his crimes will promote him...wolves howling at the moon and getting nowhere. Trump has "corrupt media" on his mind because his mind constantly thinks about corruption...every time his unclean hands remind him of what a horrible human being he is.