Monday, June 22, 2020

Blood Sweat and Tears Vocalist David Clayton Thomas writes to us about Trump

1,633,606 @ 10:33 pm  

Thank You DCT

Trump’s much ballyhooed Tulsa rally was a complete bust. He had been promoting it for weeks as the biggest event in the history of the world, “a million people want tickets.” This was to be the launch of his 2020 campaign.

They prepared the venue for 19,000 people inside the arena and 40,000 plus in the parking lot, complete with an outdoor stage, gigantic video screens and a mammoth sound system. It was all set up for a rock concert and a celebration following Trump’s triumphant appearance.

This first sign of the impending disaster came at 3:00pm when stage hands began dismantling the outdoor stage. It had become obvious that it wouldn’t be needed. 

Nobody was going to be there.

By the time Trump spoke at 8:00pm there were only 6,200 people inside the 19,000 seat arena and nobody was in the parking lot… of the 6,200 nearly 2,000 were Trump staffers, secret service and volunteers.

In show biz terms folks… He Bombed!

By the time Trump hit the stage he was pissed and it showed. He launched into a rambling, disjointed tirade against all the usual targets… the media, the democrats, Obama, his critics and on and on…

No mention of the 117,000 Americans who have died on his watch.

Not a word about how he plans to ease the racial tensions tearing the country apart.

It was Trump doing his greatest hits from 2016 but it’s not working this time around. Even his most loyal followers were squirming in their seats after the first half hour. It went on for nearly an hour and a half… a flow of consciousness rant of grievances and complaints, racial and religious bigotry and shameless self promotion.

At one point he even invoked Hillary and had his faithful chanting “lock her up” It was like entering a time warp… 

What fired up Trump supporters in 2016 now looks pathetically anachronistic in 2020.

In the midst of a deadly pandemic and faced with riots and protests across the country, people have more important things to worry about than Hillary’s damned emails.

It will be interesting to see how his GOP supplicants respond to this colossal flop.