Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Another Reprobate Cop Abusing Social Media!

How many times have I advised Medford Police to watch it on social media? Too many...then they end up in Boston Magazine for not taking my advice! Social Media is the first place the police departments go (especially Twitter and Facebook) to look for information. Check this out: 
The officer, Lieutenant Shawn Lynch, has been with the department for about 20 years but off active duty since  May for reasons unrelated to the investigation, police spokesman Jeremy Warnick said Wednesday. He declined to elaborate.
The account, @CPD496, is no longer online. The news website Cambridge Day captured some of the tweets, which said Black Lives Matter protesters are “a Marxist organization whose members openly call for the murder of law enforcement officers,” and calling Democrats “American Jihadists.” HEY, THAT'S PLAGIARISM SINCE I HAVE DUBBED A CITY COUNCIL PERSON 'COUNCILOR MARX" AND MEDFORD UNITED RETITLED THE CRIMSON JIHAD! Then again, I'm a humble journalist and not an officer of the law.