Thursday, November 5, 2020

Are the Police Investigating Medford United?

 Mobilize Medford

Our Revolution, Medford

Medford (not so) United

West Medford Hillside Little League (convicted)

Pop Warner

Medford Community Cablevision, Inc.

Medford Housing Authority

Medford Police Department

Medford DESERVES Better

This news site FIGHTS the GOOD FIGHT

To Liberate Medford

from Ignorant Crackpots


Egotistical Miss Lonely Hearts Types

Cleaning Up Medford

One e mail at a TIME



to sign your name to your work

Cowards like Medford United

and their agents

have no ethics

no integrity

they are simply troublemakers 

screaming for attention...

Waaahhhhh Breanna didn't hire her

and gave the job to Lisa...

Waaaah....Falco is my very best friend!

He doesn't know me - she thinks in her

delusional mind, But he WILL BE my friend

along with Breanna, Buckley and ALL of Medford.  I am DIVINE, even if all my husbands leave me.

Those men don't know what they are missing
(Oh yes they do!)