Tuesday, January 5, 2021

They Can’t Even Protect Their Own: They Can’t and Won’t Protect You

 Did a city councilor’s daughter get RAPED and did they cover it up?

Did the rapist get his pension?  Yes, an employee of the city!!!!!

Did Mark Smith fail to tell employers that he had an assault on his rap sheet?  A teacher

Did James O’Brien fail to give his CORI that he was a convicted sex offender?

Did a notorious city councilor hire a sex offender to work his personal business?

Did that creep pawn the sex offender off on the Medford Housing Authority?

Was Mayor McGlynn aware of it ALL and give that crap his blessing?

What happened on the boat trip from hell ?  What were the conditions like and what were the participants doing?

Do you care about your city government?

Why is the mayor IGNORING dozens of dirty cops, a felon on the school committee and a dirty council president who lied to the police and who allegedly committed perjury in criminal court...and still lost!

Get the massive link on the Medford Transcript to Stephen Lebert’s crimes and Chief Leo Sacco’s intentional negligence and participation

A cop allegedly marries his own stalker

Three officers allegedly drunk driving. Only one caught and he still gets a promotion. And $150.00 bail?  Such a deal

Jenna Tarabelsi allegedly had sex with two 17 year old students and was only convicted for raping a 15 year old who took photos of her breasts

File under: lower education in Medford 

Council President Crooked Caraviello won’t save the day  dickie Doo is a big part of the problem   YABBA Dabba Doo Fred Flintstone for Council prez 

More to come

You want Caraviello as president of this swamp?   Uggggggh