Friday, March 5, 2021

The Dr. Seuss Controversy - Two members from the old TV3 Medford Debate (J.C. and ME!)

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Patrick Gordon is SEETHING with envy!


A totally trivia friend of mine from TV3 is outraged about Dr. Seuss

Here's my response to her, which she agrees with:

Former officer Ghilain has a good perspective on it. 

They are making a FORTUNE selling the Dr. Seuss Collectors Items books now. 

Bob Penta wrote a good article on Christopher Columbus. 

You know that disciple Mary Magdalene in the Bible was NOT a prostitute; hundreds of years later she was labeled that for some politically not-so-religious reason. Chris Columbus is 500 years ago, I can't remember what I had for dinner last week. 

As Penta put it, Christopher brought Christianity to these shores. If people around him did bad things, how do you blame the guy who persevered to get the $$$ from Queen Isabella after so many years? 

How many of my songs would be banned, especially "I Want You Sexually" with the great lines "Got a wife and kids? Don't tell me your ffffng problems I don't want to know" 

A true story, ha ha, some married guy had dated my boyfriend at the time so I invited us all to party and he was in agreement. 

My BF flipped out because I had the audacity to ask before asking him. We didn't talk for 3 hoo....

but that is TAME compared to rappers. 

So you can buy insensitive RAP music but not Dr. Seuss. 

To quote Michael Marks at the council "I'm confused."