Saturday, July 31, 2021

John Petrella Mayoral Announcement

John should post his social media...we'll track it down

Hello, my name is John Petrella and I am a candidate for Mayor in this great city of Medford. I decided to run because we need to bring common sense back to City Hall. Medford has always been a wonderful place to live and raise a family. My parents moved here from the West End when I was four. I stayed here to raise my family and I hope my two children will do the same. However, this past year, the Mayor has made policy decisions that have taken us in an extreme, radical direction. For instance, last June, the Mayor declared racism a public health crisis and planned to devote much time and energy into solving this "crisis". Last summer, she attended the Black Lives Matter rally but condemned the Medford Police rally held three weeks later. The Mayor also voted to change the name of the Columbus School without community input during the pandemic instead of focusing on putting children safely back into the schools. At the same time, the Mayor allowed Critical Race Theory, a racist, anti-American ideology, to be integrated into all aspects of the school curriculum. This past May, the Mayor sought a waiver from the state to override Veteran's preference when hiring new police officers in favor of multilingual candidates. She did this even though the City's Director of Veteran's Service strenuously objected. And days ago, the Mayor, and several City Councilors, including a mayoral candidate, led a protest against the Baptist Church in Medford Square for posting a belief held by all major religions of the world. America was founded on religious freedom, this is treading on dangerous and unconstitutional territory when our elected officials block traffic and cause businesses to close down in order to protest against a Church. Spending time on these radical, social policies has been to the detriment of the City.

We need to get back to the nuts and bolts of what running a city entails: ensuring that our Police and Fire Departments are well funded and functioning, making sure our school system is the best it can be, paving our streets and fixing our sidewalks, making sure our parks and outdoor spaces are clean and safe, protecting the neighborhoods from unwarranted development, supporting and encouraging the business communities, providing efficient use of the taxpayers' dollars and ensuring services to the residents of Medford are effectively delivered. As your Mayor, I intend to spend all my time on these duties and responsibilities which are set out in the charter by Massachusetts state law. In the next few weeks, I will be going throughout the city in the hopes of meeting you and discussing how to bring common sense back to city hall.
Again, my name is John Petrella and I respectfully ask for your vote on Sept. 14th.