Friday, July 30, 2021

Ruthie Miller to play Stephanie Muccini Burke

 Oh My God

Law and Order

May 15, 1996

Season 6 Episode 22

The snooty lawyer Ruthie Miller IS Stephanie

Played by Patti LuPone 

LuPone's nose-in-the-air ignorance of facts, it is SO Stephanie Muccini-Burke....just tint her hair white.

This joke is obscene. The baby was killed with a pesticide

by the older brother and Ruthie says it "went out with the bathwater."  

Ruth Miller Can we discuss a plea deal?

A.D.A. Claire Kincaid What happened to your 

client being innocent?

Ruth Miller Went out with the bathwater.

[turns around] 

Ruth Miller I guess that's not funny.