Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Hi, This is Big Dick Caraviello

and have we got a great surprise for you!

Since I was able to oust Madame Hurtubise from the clerk's office without permission or vote of my hateful colleagues at the City Council...

and with a new clumsy TV station manager with wild experience from a now defunct Duck Tour company, I can threaten Kevin Harrington to drive one of my boats on the weekend and charge the cable tv subscribers.

Heck, we're already hijacking the franchise fee and giving ourselves another raise (allegedly) so let's go for it all.  

Remember, when Charlie Baker came to Bistro, I tried to crash the party and the Mayor had me locked out?  I looked like a groupie trying to get a photo op with the governor, and the photo is on Medford Information Central somewhere.

A history of malfeasance, stupidity and getting locked out of government parties!

RC Limos on the high seas.  A record of disaster!

How the hell did I get a limo license after the disaster on the waters?  That's easy, ex chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. had to give me a license or I would go testify against his son for allegedly drunk driving in Charlestown.

When I'm not stalking an access TV producer on Salem Street or where Central Ave meets Spring, you can see me in action flipping boats over on the high seas.

Now we got a lame videographer in Harrington who can film me in action AND drive the boat limos all the way to the Encore Casino, where I was once and maybe still am liaison to the Casino, just like my evil twin brother, David Rodrigues used to be.

I'm A Pioneering Example of Malfeasance

You can be fat, stupid and dumb, flip a boat over on the water, and become president of the most corrupt and evil city council in all of Middlesex County, just like the Medford Police are when it comes to police departments and Brady-listed cops

RC Boat Cruises to the Casino
You WILL take your life into your own hands and if you die and I victimize you I will have the police put false charges on you just to protect my corrupt ass.

Stupid, Litigious, with a History of Disaster on the Waters,

Rick Caraviello

Conflicted Perjurer and Corrupt President of the Medford City Council