Monday, November 15, 2021

Public Hearing on New Proposed Zoning Ordinance to be held on November 18th by Jackie Piques


Public Hearing on New Proposed Zoning Ordinance to be held on November 18th

by Jackie Piques

MEDFORD—Medford’s Community Development Board will open a public hearing on Thursday, November 18th at 6pm on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance. The hearing will be held over Zoom (, and will also be broadcasted live on Medford Community Media on local channels 22 (Comcast) or 43 (Verizon) for those who would like to follow along offline.

The public hearing will involve a presentation of the proposed draft, which outlines changes from the current zoning ordinance. Community members are invited to attend and provide feedback both prior to and during the public hearing. To submit comments prior to the public hearing, please submit them in writing to or by paper mail to:

Office of Planning, Development, & Sustainability

City Hall Room 308

85 George P. Hassett Drive

Medford, MA 02155.

Zoning grants municipalities the authority to regulate the use of land, buildings, and structures. It is an essential tool that helps a city plan for and shape its community while protecting the health, safety, and welfare of its community members. Proposed changes to the existing ordinance to be heard at this hearing include, but are not limited to, allowing accessory dwelling units, a new zoning district, more detailed business types in the zoning table, new performance standards, and new definitions including definitions for large and small daycares. To learn more about the proposed ordinance draft, refer to the documents listed below:

  1. Summary of Amendments: This guide summarizes significant changes to the ordinance and is organized by ordinance section. Review to identify areas that might be of interest to you!
  2. Table of Contents for the Proposed Ordinance 
  3. Draft Proposed Ordinance*: This is a full draft document of the proposed ordinance.
  4. Use Table
  5. Dimensional Table 

*A hard copy of the full text of the Proposed Ordinance can be viewed in the Office of the City Clerk, City Hall Room 103. 

For community members interested in learning more about the steps that any and all proposed zoning amendments take before they are voted upon, the Office of Planning, Development, & Sustainability will be hosting a separate informational webinar on November 16th from 6 - 7pm via Zoom. You can find the meeting information on the City Calendar. Learn about the zoning change process and how community members can participate in the process! City staff will be present to address any questions from participants.

Access the public hearing notice and Zoom information for the November 18th public hearing here. For questions, you can reach the Office of Planning, Development, & Sustainability at or 781-393-2480.

Medford city services are available to all residents, regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age, language ability, economic situation, or immigration status. 


Jackie Piques | November 15, 2021 at 1:12 pm | URL:


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