Thursday, April 28, 2022

Everett City Council Tries Its Hand at Rick Caraviello Type Censorship

 Everett City Council Tries to Close Public Participation: The public participation portion of the City Council meeting on Monday night turned out to be a major test for Council President John Hanlon both to keep order at the meeting to process city business and to adhere to the council’s rules.

Hanlon pointed out to the nine members of the public who wanted to speak at the meeting that the rules of the council permit a total of 10 minutes for public participation.
After the first two speakers addressed the council for more than 10 minutes combined, Hanlon announced that the public participation part of the meeting was closed.
However, the speakers who had not addressed the council did not go quietly into the night.
Councillor Stephanie Smith noted, “I am not in favor of closing public participation.”