Friday, August 26, 2022

Dark Brandon Invades our Page

 The White House is issuing two fascinating Twitter Feeds. One is called "Biden Wins" which has a huge list of Biden's accomplishments, which blow away Trump, and then this amazing Dark Brandon site: Dark Brandon throws back into the Republican faces their nasty "I'm With Brandon" line and reads like a superhero comic book, but it also contains facts along with the zingers and is quite amazing. Gas prices have fallen all summer, 3.49 $ is the average price across the country (lowest I've paid is 3.89) if Geoff Diehl wants to post his Republican buffoonery on this site, let's slap him back with reality: Fox News being deposed today, I think Sean Hannity, that joke, is up first, Lou Dobbs next week, while by noon we should have the redacted info on the FBI seizing records that belong to America stolen by Geoff's lord and master, crooked Donald J is for Joke Trump