Saturday, August 20, 2022

PUBLIC TRUST: Why did a Writer Have to Defeat the Medford Police for Adam Knight Photos?

  Transparency and the Public Trust

   An Essay by Joe Viglione

Where was Mayor Lungo-Koehn when Joe Viglione was seeking documents
which now prove that Councilor Adam Knight is a terrible father, and horrible 
human being?

Transparency and the Public Trust
A Joe Viglione Essay on the City of Medford

Where was Mayor Lungo-Koehn when Joe Viglione was seeking documents
which now prove that Councilor Adam Knight is a terrible father, and horrible 
human being?

What kind of negligent swill is Chief of Police Jack Buckley ENABLING an abuser
of two small children by delaying the photos for fifteen months, 
allowing a child abuser, for that is what Knight is, allowing
a child abuser to run for council, control the flaccid Medford Transcript (which,
actually, no longer exists) and get into a position of power where he heckles
MaryAnn O'Connor  (June 1, 2021 at the council,) the Board of Health Director 
for the City of Medford?

Breanna, you used to throwing good employees like Health Director O'Connor
to the wolves?

Medford Police have an array of tools that officers can use, so they can't play
Mickey the Dunce like disgraced ex solicitor Mark E. Rumley would always do,
and then complain to me that the term "Mickey the Dunce" is a slur?  Not after
all the gay-bashing Darth Rumley engaged in:
The ancestors of the Rumley family brought their name to England in the wave of migration after the Norman Conquest of 1066. They lived in Cambridgeshire. Their name, however, is a reference to Romily, near Eure, Normandy, the family's place of residence prior to the Norman Conquest of England in 1066.

If Rumley cares so much about babies and little kids, as his showboating SAYS
he is/does, where was the concern when Adam Knight threw his two little boys under
the bus on April Fool's day?

The police playing Mickey the Dunce when they knew I was seeking photos to
see if the kids were in the car (at least one image proves one was, probably both)
well, the police attack gay senior journalists (after I helped them solve crimes on
Salem Street, at least two, one with video surveillance, the other by immediately
phoning in the vandalism at the Dentist's office) and now the police are found
guilty in the court of public opinion for enabling child abuse by a city councilor.

These charlatans and hacks abuse their own kids and the police, the school
committee, the city council, the mayor, no one does anything for the children,
it's all about greed and stealing taxpayer dollars.   Nothing for the community.

This journalist will be going in-depth on the Adam Knight story soon.

A child abuser on the city council is WORSE than a felon on the school

Yet, in Medford, it's like AG Barr protecting criminal Donald Trump.
It's exactly that kind of malarkey which is RUINING the city, Madame Mayor,
but you are ALL too fearful to do anything about it when a bully like
Knight stops bullying guys like me because he has weaker prey to push
around: his own two little sons.

That is sick.  Knight should have been thrown in jail for the NIGHT
for evading the police on April 1, 2021...of course if he was fearful
of a breathalyzer....well....all the more reason the police didn't want
me to have the photographs, wouldn't it be?