Newsflash to Howie Carr: Kamala Harris is the candidate.
Did you hear Morning Joe reference Herman's Hermits this morning?
3:00 minutes in:
What Lou Reed jokingly said about Bryan Ferry of Roxy Music was
not true, but it was funny: "Ferry was fun for ten minutes" (paraphrased)
Obama talking about Donald Trump can be said locally about Carr:
the act has grown "tired"
the act has grown "tired"
Joe Biden's speech was brilliant, and was on late at night because
the most times brilliant scheduling ran overtime on Monday night.
As disgusting Trump would say "fake news" and that is what tired Howie
is issuing these days. Carr is just going through the motions. Like
he did with gangsters with his alleged misinformation and regurgitation
of same old / same old. My sources note that Carr got it wrong with some of his information on
gangsters....and boy did I catch flak in Medford for going after alleged "gangsters"
Carr never heard of (and the politicians protecting them....absurd!)
The Medford politicians, including exiled/disgraced Judge Paul J Cavanaugh
- a bunch of old cronies - gossip like little old ladies every Sunday morning.
They certainly are not doing their jobs.
Seems the ex Judge and a bunch of old and useless Medford politicians would
get together at Alexander's in Medford on Sunday mornings and talk about yours
truly. One of my spies in the bcc overheard them. Then that jackass/loser Richard
Caraviello lied about me to the police when Clerk Ed Finn slugged me at the
city council. I got hit, slugged, by an obese and pathetic city clerk and
the police threatened me with "witness intimidation" unless I dropped my legitimate
charges a rookie cop urged me to file. Guess the rookie didn't get the memo.
I defeated them all in a court of law, ha ha, and Caraviello went on to lose the
election for mayor, not that the disgraced and out-of-his depth joker ever had
a chance. Why hasn't the FBI bugged Alexander's is the question, they act
like juvenile gangsters these outgoing Medford councilors, state rep types etc.
And they wonder why I post photos that I snapped of a representative and a councilor
And they wonder why I post photos that I snapped of a representative and a councilor
playing handy shandy as my late gal pal would call it, in front of 3 minors at the opening
of the "new" tv station that no one can use.
Here's the punch line to Carr, Joe Battenfeld and the Herald: even Fox News is gushing
over how great the Democratic National Convention is going. Republicans are praising
the speeches of Michelle, Barack, just about everyone, and Kamala sticking it to the
Republican party (and the Herald writers) by invading their domain simultaneously last
night, and airing it at the DNC.
The juxtaposition was sublime, with Barack acting like a younger Mick Jagger, and
letting Trump have it as well. A thing of beauty.
Howie Carr has lost his mojo, and the Republican party has too.
Howie Carr: Dems agree, Joe Biden no longer fit for prime time |
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