Wednesday, June 15, 2016

City Budget - Why Adam Knight is an Idiot

736,321 @ 7:19 pm

To: Mrs. Burke

Medford Transcript writes:

The proposal marks a 4.3 percent increase from last year’s budget and includes about $2.52 million in additional revenue that will come from taxpayers — part of a 2.5 percent tax increase, the maximum allowed under state law.
1)We have one of the most expensive - and useless under Plan A government - city councils in the entire Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

2)Adam Knight VOTED for his own pay raise about 3 weeks in when he was a rookie, and now - acting like a rookie, he votes against Charter review, leaving the citizens without the ability to give the city council more power.

What we got in return was a disgusting individual who:

a)uses the city council to promote himself by congratulating his friends while leaving the city to rot

b)frequently Knight gets up to leave the council, possibly to have a smoke or play with reprobate Matthew Page Lieberman, the violent individual in a police report for having disrupted a city council meeting, good friends with Knight.  You are known by the company you keep.

c)Knight congratulates Steve Smith from a local union (son-in-law of McGlynn cousin Johnny Granara,) goes on his soap box about the Verizon strike and the Tufts' janitors, but Knight runs away from the TV3 issue, even though during his first campaign he called his friend Matt Page Lieberman's board of directors (which Lieberman served on) a "fiasco."

Impeach Adam Knight and put thirty grand back into the general fund.

We will get back to the horrendous budget, but one more thing about Knight.  Adam Knight calls TV3 a "fiasco." The dissolving corporation, dissolving due to allegations of racism and homophobia and other disgusting matters, including financial, boots Matt Page Lieberman.

Lieberman's actions were so vile and disgusting that the vile and disgusting corporation removed him.
Knight calls the corporation a "fiasco" and then aligns with (arguably) the most disreputable member of the most disreputable 501c3 in Medford's history - worse than Stanley Komins and Pop Warner could ever be.  Komins was your garden variety convicted thief; TV3 harassed, bullied and lied, and one of their accomplices restrained by the court when her victim obtained a criminal harassment order for the complaint against her.  But she will tell you to run her CORI, after she was booted out of another 501c3 for the same stalking behavior aimed at the same victim.

Knight engages with one of the reprobates.

7:19 pm

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