593,626 High noon
what you pay for in expensive Medford
---overpaid city council of $30k each, plus 2K more for
buffoon Dello Russo $200k plus
---overpaid high school superintendent who refuses to be transparent with the parents on public safety, iffy teachers, etc.
---water and sewer rates through the roof but infrastructure and pipes crumbling
---a suspicious mayor who hasn't visited the city council and sends her underlings to do her bidding
sound familiar?
Lots more to follow
MEDFORD, MA—Medford’s biggest story brought new financial constraints to residents this week.
property taxes in Medford will be increasing in 2016. Medford residents
will see a 2.86 percent increase in property taxes in 2016, which is
equal to a numerical jump of $132
Thursday, January 21, 2016
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» Tax Increase - the truth ABOUT MEDFRAUD
Tax Increase - the truth ABOUT MEDFRAUD
By Information Central January 21, 2016