Friday, March 24, 2017

HOLLYWOOD actress Lisa Agrees in Principle to play RICCIO

For Immediate Release

An agreement is in place,
providing SAG/AFTRA and her manager sign off on it, for a previous co-host of Visual Radio to play the role of Heidi Riccio in the upcoming
JUDGE JOHN BYERS series on Medford TV

This woman is hilarious, and taped at the old
40 Canal Street, Medford and at WinCAM 

She just signed to do a new film BUT, if we can get the signatures from the manager and the ok from SAG/AFTRA the mocking of Heidi Riccio's award-winning status will be truly Academy Award material!

Stay tuned.

I'm chomping at the bit to follow up my film on Rock and Roll Hall of Fame artist and founding member of the Jefferson Airplane DVD (which is out in worldwide distribution, Ms. Natalia) with this.

Movies?  You want to see REAL movies by real PROFESSIONALS, Dawn?

Tune in to the all-new TV3

A reprobate free the Judge John Byers show will be banning Arthur, Harvey, Ronnie and their gang by demanding what they don't  seem to be handing over to the AG's office.