Saturday, July 28, 2018

Even We Get Letters at 3:47 AM

Anonymous Person Keeps Writing Me?

Is it Frankie or Arthur?  


  I think I'll have to disagree with your latest post that the Cable Advisory Board has done nothing of substance since their first meeting. They have been (and contnue to be) a substantial stumbling block in the following areas.

 1) keeping access up and running

 2) allowing members to use the station 

 3) keeping the public informed on when and where their 
"public" meetings are to be held

 4) being open and honest about their financials, how the station operates,who is actually calling the shots, and any and all other information the members and/or public want to know about them and the station
 Now if you want to change your statement and add the qualifier that they've done nothing of POSITIVE substance, then I would of course have to agree with you 100%
  P.S. hope you didn't find my hopefully humorous-but-true observation here offensive to you.  I just thought that buy listing these points it would drive home to the blissfully unaware how truly bad for Medford and PEG this group of individuals is.
P.P.S. oh - I just thought of a positive thing this board has done... by filling the three available seats on the board they have prevented Frank Pilleri and the rest of the old TV3 cronies from occupying any of those seats. However, I think that with Stephanie's "help", one day soon they will have surpassed even the old TV3 board in their keeping the public out of Public access. Now THAT is a truly chilling thought!

The writer is correct, Stephanie is not McGlynn pulling Frankie's strings, so this is even worse than Prank Filleri's idea of private access TV

Because a mayor is supposed to be held to a higher standard

Making it all the more likely that the writer is Frankie himself!