Monday, July 23, 2018

Request to Atty Scanlon for Press release on New Station Manager

1,222,693 @ 8:17 am

Hello Attorney Scanlon,

Could you kindly forward me this week's press release on the new TV station manager

Don't want to bother you with a public records request

a)I'm the sole person who put in a proposal to operate the TV station when Mike McGlynn made the request for proposals

b)I submitted a resume for the current job position

c)No one in this city has worked harder for the rights of cable TV ratepayers, citizens, businesses and civic groups than Joe V.

I realize that Mark and Mayor Burke embrace censorship and use every tactic, legal and not so legal, to squelch freedom of the press,
but this IS America where a former board member is not really supposed to investigate a board or commission that he participated in.
OK, just asking for the press release as Mayor Burke treats some of us badly without the thought that she's paid to be a PUBLIC servant.

This Administration is self-serving


Joe Viglione