Assessors Office
Medford City Hall
85 Geo P. Hassett Drive
Medford MA 02155
RE: Motor Excise Tax Abatement
Why wasn't there more notice for the public???
Dear Ms. Brideua:
What wasn't this meeting on Applications for Abatement MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE TAX posted weeks - if not months - in advance?
When I lived in Woburn and purchased 3 different vehicles in one year, I asked about the Excise Tax I had to keep paying.
The woman said that no one ever asks about that and that "we have hundreds of dollars of peoples' money upstairs!"
Go figure. They want the tax right away, but put in for a rebate and it takes 6 weeks.
My question is, on something as vitally important as this, why do the residents forced to "pay to park," with a mayor who LIED on the campaign trail about free parking for seniors, having this discussion of a financial matter flying so low under the radar?
Does city hall have "thousands of dollars" of money money money that people don't know about; that people don't known enough to put in for the rebate for???
What is an "abatement?"
An abatement is a reduction in your excise taxes. You have two options to file an abatement for your motor vehicle or boat excise tax: In person.Mar 29, 2016
How to file an excise tax abatement |
Please advise...and don't try to move the meeting if I show up with my iPhone for a little Facebook Live
Please be advised, I may be taping this meeting for Facebook Live and Real Medford Mass Politics
Thank you
Joe Viglione