Election day - Nov 5, 202 days away from April 16! Know what is going on in your city! File public records requests at the high school, the police station and Medford City Hall! It is YOUR RIGHT as an American citizen to figure out what these cronies are up to!
FOIA and Federal Open Government
FOIA and Federal Open Government
reporter's committee
https://www.rcfp.org/foia/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw-tXlBRDWARIsAGYQAmdUi4y2x6oI-8ZJrRH9th2e9V_i0uJfHVW0WSz62M8yGweceeb_2KUaAnrbEALw_wcBThe Reporters Committee provides a variety of resources on public records and open meetings laws, also known as sunshine laws, right to know laws, or freedom of information acts. These laws provide a legal basis for access to government records and meetings, with certain exceptions, and are used by reporters and news media organizations to inform the public on the workings of government.
For our guide on the Federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), visit the FOIA Wiki. The FOIA Wiki has information on submitting requests, exemptions, administrative appeals, and most other topics related to the federal FOIA.
To create, file, and track federal, state, or local public records requests, you can use the Reporters Committee’s free iFOIA online tool.