Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Vicious Eunice Brown Aligns with Reprobate Anna Maria Cugno with Medford Not So United.

 For Immediate Release
Medford Information Central

What is Medford United?

A Google search brings up Medford United Futbol Club which is on Facebook, but there is no "mission statement" or website for the Massachusetts rag-tag regional group of individuals that this writer can find on the internet.  There should be a blog or other social media to inform the public; for the public to read and understand who the people behind it are and what their true thought process is for improving Medford.  

The lack of such a vital and easy to find mission statement with talking points is what subversive groups are all about.

When I apply "subversive" to Medford United, as I do "Our Revolution, Medford" and "Mobilize Medford" it is based on objectivity, facts, evidence, information and belief.   The community cannot get suckered in by these quasi political groups or parties with no constitution, no corporate documents.  Rag tag groups of individuals are sprouting up yet the public is kept totally in the dark
regarding these collections of people which behave more like witches covens than responsible, transparent organizations.

* * * * * *

Our Revolution, Medford was hardly up front about the prison record of  a person on the Medford school committee, the lack of qualifications for their "Zac Bears" city councilor, or the ineptitude of candidates like Nichole Mossalam, having lost two elections now, publishing her self-crafted fiction on her alleged ethnicity - it is said she is of Irish and Italian blood but calls herself other than that, including the word "mutt"  - all which make for confusion, nothing cohesive, the foundation of Our Revolution is based on a lack of logic and, frankly, is quite bothersome.

Ostensibly the Medford United group was started to counter Our Revolution, Medford and Mobilize Medford, two insurgent groups that attempt to shape city policy and ram through candidates who have little or no knowledge of the law or how to make Medford an efficient and comfortable city to live in.  Insurgency is "revolutionary," isn't it?  "Our Insurgency, Medford" is more like it when a Paul Ruseau demands spending taxpayer dollars on changing the name of a 92 year old school, or Zac Bears wants a plastic banner from a political group plastered on city hall and seemingly, the councilor breaks the council rules to achieve his self-aggrandizing goals. 

Who will pay for his plastic banner?  You?

It is a Facebook page reportedly created by Eunice Brown, a venomous, nasty woman who attacked a senior citizen with a relish that displays low self image, jealousy and self-importance that she failed to earn.

This writer asked city hall about an allegation of a teacher and student having an affair. That the student allegedly was the daughter of the most powerful politician in Medford at the time, a mayor, resulted in false charges filed against the journalist by Richard F. Caraviello - another bad city council president with a penchant for lying to the police, which can be proved, and the most crooked police department in all of Middlesex County including a documented death threat by disgraced officer, Stephen Lebert.

Damn right Medford needs to be united, revolutionary and mobilized, but the low i.q. of the three groups involved put them on the level of Trump's MAGA crew, individuals who have no rational or creative thought, they just sheepishly follow a president that his ex fix it man/attorney claims leered at his 15 year old daughter and who evidence proves denigrates uniformed men and women, if not viciously attacking war hero John McCain.

So while this writer has changed Medford for the better, removing a mayor's uncle on the Medford Housing Authority board, shutting down TV3, hateful, spiteful Eunice Brown throws rocks.  Eunice used the Caraviello false charges to try to lift herself  up by belittling a man who actually gets things done.  Her low self image is brutal while the adults in the room are working to make Medford a better place.

Using Detective Mackoski's criminal abuse of the police department, in concert with Paul Covino, two individuals who should be tried and convicted, Eunice Brown used the false Rick Caraviello case to harass me.  This is your "leader" of Medford United.

But here's the key.  Eunice stabbed me behind my back.  No ethics, no integrity...talking false gossip without saying it to my face.  She's a snake and will bite and turn on you if you do anything of significance without her approval.

Evidence, Exhibit A:

Eunice Brown: "I am glad Mr. Richard Caraviello took legal action against him."

Eunice you are so WRONG.  This writer works very hard filing public records requests to get to the truth!  You have to be a very angry person to defame a man behind his back and egg others on to lie to the police to harass a victim!

A senior citizen gets assaulted by criminal clerk Edward P. Finn. Finn was not clerk of criminal court, just a garden variety criminal who was such a coward he snubbed a subpoena TO criminal court; a frightened bully and ex football player

...and Breanna Lungo Koehn blew kisses to Finn upon his departure, an individual who censored petitions to the city council.

That's a fact

AGAIN!  Who will pay for Zac Bears' plastic banner?  You?

Richard F. Caraviello committed a criminal act, lying to the most crooked police department in Middesex County.

Eunice Brown used the false charges to try to belittle a senior citizen.  Shame on her.

Case involving city council president tossed out of court ...
medford.wickedlocal.com › news › case-involving-city...
Mar 8, 2017 - ... president Rick Caraviello that occurred after an incident at City Hall in the summer of 2015, was thrown out of Cambridge District Court on ...

Which leads to another charlatan, Anne Marie Cugno or Anna Maria Cugno - whatever.

The term of office for Michael Cugno, President, and Ann Marie Cugno for a corporation, Medford Youth Soccer, Inc. ended in December 2007.  It did not seem to end, according to allegations, in a very nice way.


Feb 11, 2008 - Motion to call meeting to order at 7:40 pm; Motion by Mike Cugno, 2 nd ... also discussed the current financial situation of Medford Soccer and.

Ann Marie Cugno - Medford Youth Soccer, Inc.,

Anna Maria Cugno President of C.A.S. IT., Inc Wakefield Ma.,

Anne Marie Cugno, Shore Educational Collaborative Foundation, Inc.   who signs so many corporate papers with variations of their name...and why?

June 17, 2017 I filed a public records request on Michael Cugno and Ann Marie Cugno regarding, in part, Medford Youth Soccer, Inc.    Eunice Brown needs to get ALL the details on the soccer corporation.  ALL OF THEM, because Medford United
appears to be Eunice Brown and Ann Marie Cugno.

List all the corporations a Mike or Michael Cugno and Ann Marie Cugno and her multiple other identities are on.

Citizens need to know who these groups sprouting up are, and how to protect the community.


Joe Viglione

the man who defeated the city councilor, Rick Caraviello, who lied to the police - a criminal act - and may have lied to judge and jury

Fighting Hard for Medford

Saturday June 17, 2017  9:47 am

Atty Kim Scanlon
Public Records Access Officer for the City of Medford

Alicia Palmer
Public Records Access Officer for the Medford Public Schools
489 Winthrop Street, Medford, MA 02155.

Dear Atty Scanlon, Keeper of the Records, Custodian of the Records,

Under the Massachusetts Public Records Act § 66-10 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that contain:

1) Any documents relating to Mike Cugno, husband of school committee person Anne Marie Cugno, including but not limited to: being appointed to the Medford Public SchoolsTechnology Advisory Committee that feature when he was appointed, by whom, and what his duties are

2)All documents regarding Anne Marie Cugno and Michael Cugno's participation in the corporation known as Medford Youth Soccer Inc. where they are listed on annual reports for 2005, 2006, 2007 - Mike Cugno as president and Anne Marie Cugno listed as clerk. I cannot find additional years with their names on the corporate documents however today, June 17, 2017, I did find Mr. Cugno's name on the Medford Youth Soccer Inc. Facebook page listed as an "at large member."  I have a screenshot of the page,

3)Any documents city hall and/or the high school have in regards to Mr and Mrs. Cugno's participation in the Medford Youth Soccer, Inc. including but not limited to  executive session documents and if there are any complimentary documents regarding their work or any complaint documents

4)Any documents city hall and/or the high school have in regards to Mike Cugno's participation on a fund raising corporation known as the Medford High School Alumni Association Inc. including but not limited  to who appointed Michael Cugno and what his duties are.

If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me if the cost will exceed $ 5.00   However, I would also like to request a waiver of all fees in that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest (Mrs. Cugno is running for city council and is currently on the school committee) and will contribute significantly to the public’s understanding of public sports and athletics as well as Medford fund raising activities for an entity utilizing Medford High School's name.  It would be excellent for this to be published on the school and city websites for the students and parents.

This information is not being sought for commercial purposes, though my website is an official business listed in the city clerk's office.  As it is not being used for business purposes yet is of great public interest, I would be happy if you merely published all the requested information on the city website.

The Massachusetts Public Records Act requires a response to this request within 10 days.  If access to the records I am requesting will take longer than this amount of time, please contact me with information about when I might expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records.

If you deny any or all of this request, please cite each specific exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal procedures available to me under the law.

Thank you for considering my request.


Medford United Futbol Club - Home | Facebook
www.facebook.com › ... › Medford United Futbol Club
Medford United Futbol Club parents and players! Blue skies abound finally! Just a reminder and confirmation, that there will be practice Wednesday, August 29th ...

Mrs. Cugno's various schemes are the antithesis of what Medford needs right now.   Attached are documents from the Sec. of State's corporate website.    http://medfordinformationcentral.blogspot.com/2017/06/947-am-public-records-request-on-mike.html