Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Medford City Councilors Caught Flapping their Wings trying to escape while Investigating Police Station

Michael Marks, Council President, captured in plastic tube for scientific study as to how the hypocrite thinks...poorly

Video shows all 7 Medford city council murder hornets that were vacuumed from their Alden chambers nest in Medford square are ALIVE - as scientists get to work uncovering the secrets of the invasive species

  • Scientists eradicated the first murder hornet nest found in the US on Saturday
  • The team used a vacuum to suck out a total of 85 Asian giant hornets 
  • However, officials revealed that all of the insects survived the extraction
  • A video shows the insects crawling along the inside of a plastic tube
  • Officials say the hornets will be used for research purposes

Rather than destroy the city councilors mercifully, President Joe Biden has them studied for scientific research