You know, we were just WAITING for a way to pounce on the Soccer Queen without getting into trouble.
And...VOILA...Medford United with their crazed female lunatics opened the door.
SO, while they are harassing School Committee V.C. Paul Ruseau for his computer stunt in New Hampshire which landed him in the slammer, the entire Medford United fiasco was taken over by someone who allegedly committed 10 times the misconduct of Mr. Ruseau, hurting a LOT of athletic kids in the process, allegedly
So harassing this writer because I was defending my grandpa and yours, Joseph Biden, they inadvertently opened the door to their hypocrisy.
Hypocrites....V.H., K.L., pure hypocrites ranting about Trump, but opening the door for us to publicly prosecute the Soccer Queen.
Ya see, the statute of limitations is up ...but that doesn't mean the court of public opinion is closed, does it?
These people want to run for elected office, and you have the reasons why we need LOTS OF JOURNALISTS in Medford to push away the rocks and see the slimy things that crawl from beneath the depths...or over near Stop and Shop
The loons opened the door...and now we're interviewing people to get the truth on the alleged SOCCER SCAM / SCANDAL of Medford.
they did it to themselves
and Buckley, Falco, Lungo-Koehn, LLC are all awaRE OF IT. THEY CAN'T PLAY MICKEY THE DUNCE NOW, MR. RUMLEY
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