Thursday, April 8, 2021

Rumley Sent Threatening Legal Letter After Stephanie Big Bird Showed up in Wedding Photo

5:30 pm April 8, 2021


McGlynn Consigliere Mark Rumley sent a threatening legal letter after we published the Muccini-Burke-as-big-bird photo allegedly giving the finger to firefighters.

Mr. First Amendment (NOT) himself, Rumley, who never saw a public records request he didn't want to piss on, despite the alleged oath of office to uphold the Constitution, was scared of the photo.


And like Bob Maiocco threatening me with a metal rebar pipe at a council meeting, don't those jokers realize their defensive/offensive actions lead a journalist to start looking?

Just ask Uncle Bob how that worked out for him.

He's no longer on the council!

Wonder what we'll find if we start looking?

Or ---maybe we found it already?

Candidates for elected office have to give a CORI check if they want to have their own TV show.


That is so un-American, anti-free speech, anti- free press, all the handiwork from Mark Rumley's ultra unclean hands. 

It means that new candidates might be giving an edge to incumbents who may accidentally on purpose see if someone has a Paul Ruseau mega conviction on their record.   That's fine for the FBI, not so good for people trying to rig an election.


That's the fruit of Mark Rumley's despicable and unethical abuse of the access television station.  

From Rumley investigating a board that he sat on and deep-sixing the investigation (red flag red flag red flag, what were you afraid of, Mark?) to the policies and procedures from Jupiter....hey, the disgraced TV station actually CALLED Rumley a the pages of the Medford Transcript.

So Mark Rumley sent me a threatening letter when I posted a photo of Stephanie Burke acting rather, well, acting immaturely, let's be nice.

Begs the question, is Rumley hiding something?

Watch this space.  Let's expose the big blowhard for exactly who he is and exactly what he did to the access television in Medford.