Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Chapter 1 Mark Rumley's Vicious Assault on the Lungo-Koehn Administration from THE MEDFORD POLITICAL UNDERWORLD

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111 days to November 2, 2021 Election Day

A book on corruption in the city 5 miles north of Boston, investigated and constructed by Joe Viglione
Photo: George Scarpelli looking like master criminal The Kingpin from the Daredevil Comics.  They may be stupid thugs, but they sure look the part.  Picture from City Council meeting July 13, 2021

Chapter 1  
Mark Rumley's Vicious Assault on the Lungo-Koehn Administration 

     In early 2003 Mark Rumley and the director of the Office of Human Diversity and Compliance, Diane McLeod - (title-less Neil Osborne's predecessor as of this writing, 11:36 pm July 13, 2021,)  met with me in the meeting room of the city solicitor's office.  
This was  regarding multiple complaints against Medford Community Cablevision, Inc. for racism, homophobia and all-out bigotry.

      Employee Von Rommel Fernandes knew that I had a meeting at city hall regarding Steve Marra, the station manager, and his outrageous use of the "N" Word.   
     Von Rommel also told me about something I already knew and had experienced:  the toxic atmosphere at the non-profit which had a history of problems.  
      Fernandes phoned me at my Woburn residence and said, and I'm paraphrasing, of course "I'm tired of being called "the fucking immigrant."  He lashed out at "Big Steve" Marra, the consigliere of the perpetual president of the 501c3, Francis R. Pilleri, Jr.   Fernandes said the abuse was relentless, and difficult to take. "I have a wife and a daughter" he said, asking me to quietly relay the information to the solicitor during my meeting.   He didn't want to lose the job being from Brazil and wanting to provide for his family.

     I did relay that information, and the unbridled racism of Marra.   The station manager, just one in a long-line of unqualified hacks designed
to be in power to keep people off of the airwaves, who would force his alleged "born-again Christian" alleged status on members.   Stripping members of their First Amendment right to freedom of religion as well as their free speech rights.  The insecure and morally depraved Mr. Marra is the most horrible example of a public access traitor.
     One example of the "private" public access station's abuse of power: The TV3 van was used only by board members and staffers, and usually for Christian rock fests.  The public had "no right" - according to the fraud board of directors,  for equipment purchased with cable TV subscriber monies ostensibly for the public.  Guess "born again" Christian Big Steve forgot the part of the Bible that says "Thou shalt not steal."    The member rights were stolen by staff and the board of directors.  The practice continued after Marra's near death experience at Lawrence Memorial Hospital when exiled Medford teacher Ron DeLucia and bankrupt money manager Harvey Alberg cast their hate on the community and used the station like their own personal whore.
      Mr. Marra would laugh at the video of the Christian festival which seemed to have nothing to do with the city of Medford, Marra focusing on a woman's breasts at the festival, chomping on pizza with Chinese food boxes stacked high in the station manager's office.  
    With a repugnant stench of old food and body odor.  
    Gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins.   Just what the woman with the nice breasts would want to take home to mom and dad, right?  Some 350 pound slob not doing his job for Medford but going to a Christian music festival to film women's breasts.  Then he can take her on a date to the TV station to take in the foul-smelling air Marra had created for the members.  While chomping on a frosted chocolate coffee roll from Dunkin Donuts that he was obsessed with.   I'll plead the fifth on that, oh, what the hell, yes, Your Honor, I turned the overweight buffoon on to that delicacy, give me 3 Hail Marys and one Our Father.
      It was not the cleanliness needed when dealing with the public, but their selfish "I don't give a damn" attitude was exactly what thrilled McGlynn - make the electronic soapbox as broken as possible to keep the critics out.

     When questioned why his religion was better than everyone else's (the church I go to as well as the Roman Catholic Church Marra considered "cults,") Big Steve would laugh again and say "I can sin because I'm saved."   Not found in any of the sacred literature that I've ever read, but  that was the delusional arrogance of a TV station that made sport of harassing the hard-working elder, my dear friend Pasquale J. "Pat" Fiorello. 
     The station would use cable subscriber franchise fees to throw lawsuits at people, myself, Mr. Fiorello.  If you were proficient and did a good job, the station would exhibit jealousy and anger.  The charges against Pat Fiorello, which I considered to be false, filed frivolously against a man in his 80s to shut him up, most likely contributed greatly to his passing earlier than he would have.  This witness is certain of that.  Access TV, which is supposed to nurture creativity and be supportive, is a "hostile, toxic working atmosphere."  The hideous cruelty continues to this day, even under the Lungo-Koehn administration, and it is wrong. 
    The point of all this for Chapter 1 of this book: the same exact "hostile toxic working atmosphere" under Mark Rumley's supervision of TV3 on behalf of Mayor McGlynn is what hypocrite Mark E. Rumley is claiming the Lung0-Koehn administration is engaging in. 

     It is the key that this book is opening the door to.  It wasn't irony that Rumley, agitated because he's not "of counsel" in Medford, went on the warpath against Breanna.  
     It wasn't coincidence. 
     This has the unclean fingerprints of Michael J. McGlynn all over it, carried out by the unclean hands of attorney Mark E. Rumley, as untrustworthy a stooge as you will ever find in a small town mentality.

      It is INTENTIONAL and designed to mess with an election cycle, the modus operandi of the McGlynn/Rumley tag team: deception, lies and how do we take back the power????? that they in their delusional states think that they your detriment, dear public.


        Why all the anxiety over access television?  
        Former mayor Michael J. McGlynn would prance around with a stalker ex-station manager on a Comcast promotional video; the insidious mayor fixated on my television show.  When Comcast delivered an "on demand access" they promised me five shows.  They were supposed to air as many shows as we wanted.  They ran my interview with Rob Gronkowski of the N.E. Patriots for a few months, and then Comcast's outside vendors refused to air any more of my shows.    You know who was in bed with Comcast - Michael J. McGlynn, and based on information and belief, I am certain that the troubled mayor had an obsession with  controlling all the media in Medford.  Even his alleged scoutmaster when he was a child, Pasqual Fiorello, was not safe from McGlynn's mania when it came to the access channel.   The gatekeeper, Solicitor Rumley, made sure that all potential criticism would be destroyed before it could emerge, kind of like the Terminator trying to kill Sarah Connor for a retroactive abortion of his nemesis, John Connor.
     It was Mark E. Rumley, not Pilleri, that eviscerated free speech in Medford.  Rumley - on behalf of his lifelong friend, McGlynn, who was the architect of censorship in Medford, as un-American as Ted Cruz and the Texan Republicans so fearful of losing their power grab that they deny the most sacred right, voting, because their popularity has waned and their lies are catching up with them.   Exhibit A on Mr. Rumley's incessant lies?   His telling an untruth to a retired judge, and were it under oath, Rumley wouldn't give a damn anyway.


     Fast forward to July 14, 2021 and there is a firestorm heading into the election, 111 days away.    One of the nicest people you could ever meet, Breanna Lungo-Koehn, known for her bright smile and positive attitude, has made two errors that have the old and somewhat broken power structure 
lusting for her ouster. 

     Breanna had her foot on the throat of the McGlynn dragon and took her foot off the gas.  

     Breanna talked about "unity" with her enemies, like Adam Knight, and threw her friends like Hank Morse, Robert M. Penta  and many, many others overboard...strike that ...Breanna kicked them hard in the backside and hurt them when she hurled them off her boat.  The illogic is stunning...she thought she'd make friends with the friends of her arch-enemy McGlynn while biting the hands that fed her.

     1)Mayor Breanna doesn't understand the ruthless world of politics, tending to ignore it.  She certainly is aware of it the way the morally bankrupt Adam Knight loathes her.  The current, embattled vice president of the city council, badgering Lungo-Koehn for the better part of the seven years that he's been in office while he's facing potential criminal charges.
Lungo-Koehn is the mayor, but has failed to flex her muscles. Surrounded by flunkies like perpetually embattled David Rodrigues, incompetent  Neil Osborne, two individuals this writer has persistently brought to her attention as anchors hindering her efforts,  
     2)When I see a Hank Morse given the cold shoulder, when I see Breanna shut the door on her colleague and friend Bob Penta, it is obvious that it will be more difficult for a lightning rod like me, with more knowledge of access TV than anyone in Medford - and we are  talking real access TV, dating back to 1979 - it's obvious that the only way to gain access is to bring their entire crippled house of cards crashing down. It is an imperiled system all the more dangerous because to attain their true goal (power over you and your money) they are now starting to get as sloppy as the crazed Nicki (Joe Pesci) in the film Casino.  Especially McGlynn and Rumley, outraged that their grip on the city is slipping away.   McGlynn knows that six years away from the limelight is an eternity in local politics, and where his victories would be automatic, the new kids in town will now say "Mike who?"
     And this is the crux of the political battle now brewing.  McGlynn wants in, and he now has his foot on the throat of his enemy, Breanna Lungo-Koehn, and given both the McGlynn and Lungo ugly past history, he has no thought of the "integrity," "unity," "butterflies" and "rose petals" that Breanna offers and continues to fail to deliver.  Think of an angry ex city solicitor allegedly calling Breanna a "fucking bitch," for the temperature on how McGlynn really feels.
   If Von Rommel Fernandes was "the fucking immigrant," in TV3's eyes, and Breanna is the "fucking bitch" in McGlynn and Rumley's eyes, the key moment in the Medford Political World is now. 
    The instability of McGlynn's 28 years in office with a DPW that looked like Berlin after the bombing, and ten year contracts galore, the four additional McGlynn years with clueless Stephanie Muccini-Burke getting the Academy Award for Bad Actress of the Year, were ousted after my publication issued a photo of Muccini-Burke flipping the bird to the firefighters.
   The photo defeated Muccini-Burke, yet Breanna Lungo-Koehn never acknowledged my hard work and honest efforts, didn't thank me as she had before, and Breanna failed to reward the city by giving me the  management of the TV station. That error in judgment could cost her the 2021 election as she has made a cottage industry of turning on her supporters and reaching out to her enemies.  It makes no sense.  
    I threw her some spare change to her campaign a couple of weeks ago anyway just to show that I'm the bigger person.
     Allegedly the firefighters were flying the photo around on Facebook. One informant got the picture to me and that was it for Muccini-Burke.  
    So who do you think Rumley sent a threatening letter to?  
   The firefighters or this writer?  
   The bully, of course, would rather beat up on one person than Chief Gilberti's crew.  After receiving the hate/threat letter from him I told Rumley to go to hell. Because he ain't going anywhere else.

     Breanna has more name recognition than McGlynn at this point in time, while McGlynn knows where the bodies are buried.  As the former Don of the city of course he would, who do you think ordered the hits?  
     The game is about restricting speech and taking as much money as possible, and it's obvious that the politicians are terrified of a professional when they scam so much cable TV money for the "general fund," teacher salaries and screwed every aspect of P/E/G.   
      And continue to do so to the detriment of Medford society.

Bob Maiocco, another disgraced ex councilor with more baggage than an elected official should have allegedly said of Breanna's victory "She'll have a target on her back on day 1."   From the mouths of babes and creepy Wells Fargo financial dudes. 

Breanna failed to take Maiocco's warning to heart, and that can be fatal to her chances of retaining the corner office.   Breanna didn't fight Stephanie the way that Stephanie Muccini-Burke fought her and David McKillop and Bob Penta.
Stephanie was the avatar for Mike McGlynn, just as John Falco is now.   

McGlynn pulls every string that he can, drooling to take over Mystic Ave. McGlynn is seething that he seemingly cannot run for office, and Rumley is angry that he's always taking a back seat to Mike.  Freud could have a field day with these frauds, couldn't he?   But it comes down to Breanna, Breanna, Breanna, how can we teach you to fight in the 11th hour?

The answer is the television station.  Open the floodgates and let the people have their forum.  Rumley wants to stand in the way of free speech. The only way to beat the bullies, Breanna, is to do what they don't want you to do.  Rumley is coming after you and you keep his fraudulent policies and procedures in place at the TV station.  
What is wrong with this picture?

Are you protecting the franchise fee for the city and not for the public that it is there for?   
Open the floodgates, do what McGlynn does not want you to do, seize the levers of power in your grasp now because they are hell bent on taking those levers from you.  
If you don't think my posting the vulgar photo of Muccini-Burke allegedly flipping the bird to the firefighters won you the  election, got you at least a thousand votes, then you should just invite Falco into the corner office and give him the keys.  
If that's the case this election is already over.
Mark Rumley to this writer "When you're in a fight, fight."
I took that to heart; it's time Breanna Lungo Koehn does as well.  Without a fight, it is impossible for Breanna to win the election of 2021 as she seems to roll over and not have the desire to start throwing punches.  She needs to get someone to do her dirty work because Rumley is angry, and that pit bull's owner, Mike McGlynn, is even angrier. They are both out of control, calculating and out for blood.   Rumley has become a joke in the city with his benevolent routine and his underhanded skullduggery, both of which cannot be reconciled in any man of decency, honesty and trust.

       For the public: Put in all the public records requests you want, they make it difficult to figure out where the money goes.  We all  know the why.
They don't want public participation. The public participation that Breanna needs to win this thing.

        However the real core of this first chapter is, you guessed it, not Big Steve at TV3 using the N word, it's an agitated Mark Rumley taking the cases of two department heads to go after a sitting mayor.  Look, it may be legal, but the optics are off the charts

a)Mark Rumley accused of calling the mayor "a fucking bitch" allegedly in August of 2019

b)Mark Rumley not getting hired "of counsel," in Medford, so he gets the alleged part-time job in Malden, but he's not happy.

c)Mark Rumley calling the Medford Transcript and giving them the cease and desist when my publication got ahold of it the day before and alerted the public.

Michael Marks asked if Rumley was the city solicitor or the mayor's lawyer.  Rumley flipped out.  Now this writer is asking if Rumley wanted to be "of counsel" to sabotage Mayor Lungo-Koehn, and when he couldn't he took himself down a dark path to attempt to publicly humiliate the mayor that snubbed him.

Hank Morse and Bob Penta being good souls moved on.  Mark Rumley can't.  Like his pal McGlynn his obsessions get the better of him.  In the dictionary you will find a photo of Mark E. Rumley under the word vindictive.

        City Clerk Adam Hurtubise has unethically censored me; he wants to write my petitions, and it has happened more than once.  You'd love to hear a Paul Donato storm into Clerk Hurtubise's office, and yell the way that he was outraged about his own show.  But it won't happen.  

        Our only recourse is to expose the criminality of the current council president and vice president.  I've got them doing criminal things, no "allegedly" necessary.  These are very bad people in positions of power that they do not deserve. They see their oath of office and they urinate on it.
It is reprehensible, disgusting and it is what is shaping your world, Medford.  Don't you get it?


I could tell you about Rumley saying publicly that the Medford Housing Authority is a "separate body politic," and then play you my video of  Rumley jumping up at a board meeting of that housing authority to try to object to my speaking.  So blatant, so vulgar.  My response was: "You. Sit down."  And like a spanked little school boy he did.  But do you see it, Medford?  My videocamera resulted in the Mayor's now deceased uncle from unethically participating on the housing authority board of directors.  Mr. Separate Body Politic, Rumley, as unethical
as when he used his taxpayer funded e mail on the Immaculate Conception church website.  The man has such low self-esteem from all the decades in Mike McGlynn's shadow that he has to yell at Michael Marks that "I'm the city solicitor and I won't be insulted in this fashion."

Well, Mr. Rumley, anyone watching my YouTube video of your embarrassing moment would say that you insulted yourself.   Heck, when a Pro se plaintiff being stalked faces you on the witness stand, and with a simple "Objection, your honor," gets you thrown off said witness stand, it boggles the mind that you still don't get it.  That you, Mark Rumley, should not go into areas where you don't belong, especially when you
waste taxpayer monies for your vendettas against this journalist.  You treat me like I'm Saudi Arabian journalist Jamal Khashoggi
Well, this is America, and just because in your mind being un-American and 
violating your oath of office you think you can justify. 
What people and Medford see is a petty small man with no scruples and 
a twisted need to burn in hell for all eternity.  
To paraphrase the film Along Came a Spider. 

Judge Marie O. Jackson-Thompson had no idea what she was getting into accepting Judas Iscariot's thirty-nine hundred pieces of silver, or in today's market, almost four thousand dollars.  The judge basking in the light of the TV cameras claming when she took the gig:

"I'm here to make sure that this TV station is the best it can be for ourselves and for our children"  

Not when Rumley himself told me that the judge was faxing her commentary back and forth with Rumley's law office.  The supposedly objective report was tainted by Mr. Censorship himself, Rumley.   

What's curious about this is that Representative Donato was furious when Arthur Alan Deluca, board member of TV3 who filed false charges on Mr. Fiorello, censored a show purportedly presented by Tony Giglio during an election cycle.  Mr. Donato had this to say:

“This is free speech. It’s the public’s right to listen to political speech. It’s the most protected right. I was just flabbergasted.” 

But the problem with those in positions of power so outraged, even when the censorship rocks their world, is that they pledge allegiance to Mike McGlynn.  They take the hit, and they expect people  like me to follow their lead and just walk away.  Well, I've lasted this long, 19 years now, so they'll
have to shoot me to get rid of me.  

Vicious Mark Rumley's assault on the First Amendment would make devious Mitch McConnell blush  with envy.   
Here's where Rumley throws all caution to the wind and shows himself as untrustworthy and deserving of an FBI investigation into his unethical and quite immoral tactics.  Lying to a retired judge....Mark, that's just not nice!

“The notion the city would censor or squelch free speech is baseless and as city solicitor I would find any such effort repugnant.” City Solicitor Mark E. Rumley / Medford Daily Mercury.  

Anyone looking at the policies and procedures of the TV station, and Rumley's insane CORI check of candidates for political office if they want their own TV show, would get better results petitioning Ohio's congressperson Jim Jordan than going anywhere near Mark Rumley.  And Jordan is the worst of the worst.

Stay tuned for Chapter 2

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