For our Governor Kaptain Krackpot Geoff Diehl claiming voter fraud in Massachusetts when a Republican is currently Governor?
Climate Change and COVID yet this Republican lunatic Geoff Diehl is typical of why the Republican party is OVER. They have no idea how to effectively run for office; no clue about legislating.
Total loser so he tries to claim voter fraud in Massachusetts.
Maybe he hates Baker so much he is saying that the Democrat won?
Diehl thinks there are boxes and boxes and boxes of hidden Republican votes?
No, sir, simply Democrats in a blue state they vote for sanity.
Who does Diehl want for Lt. Governor? Embattled Jimmy Lyons? Bring it on.
The former co-chairman for the Trump 2016 Massachusetts campaign has kept the former president at arms length recently as he became the first Republican candidate to formally announce his candidacy in the upcoming governor’s race.
Diehl has said he continues to support the president. Trump, who lost the presidency to Joe Biden last November, continues to repeat unsubstantiated claims of widespread voter fraud and says he actually won the 2020 election. His baseless claims have fueled rampant conspiracy theories around the efficacy of the U.S. elections system.
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