Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Osborne Excise Tax Re: Supplemental Response - SPR21/2159

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If the Lungo-Koehn Administration is so "transparent," why did I have to fight tooth and nail for this? The Sec of State's office actually reminded me and they prodded city hall and we finally have it. A Jaguar and the former city solicitor noting in the Transcript that he is alleging "wage theft." Wage theft is alleged and a jaguar. At least we know he's paying his Medford excise tax.

Dear Joshua  and Sec-DL-PREWEB

Please note the disclaimer at the bottom of Atty Scanlon's correspondence.
My understanding is that these documents are not confidential.

The disclaimer actually scares residents who do not know any better.   All government
documents should be public documents.  This is no longer the mayor's private law firm
but work from public servants paid for by the public.

It would be refreshing if they would start acting like it and remove the dumb disclaimer.
Respectfully said.

That the solicitor's former boss has accused  the individual (of alleged "wage theft") in the documents that I seek
makes the public records request all the more vital for the citizens.

Onto the documents:

1)I am grateful for the excise tax document.  That's all Attorney Scanlon had to send the first time.

2)The new city solicitor keeps sending documents that are in the public domain.  We, obviously,
have them already.

On a personal note, I lobbied the mayor hard for Ms. Scanlon to be appointed solicitor.
Kim Scanlon had my vote of confidence.

Recent records requests have been rather less than forthcoming. 

However, the excise tax was key and I do appreciate that we know
the Diversity Director (the appropriate title for the person in question)
pays this in Medford.

Many of my readers have asked about this.

Thank you, Atty Scanlon and thank you Sec of State's office.


Joe Viglione 

On Wednesday, September 22, 2021, 06:37:06 PM EDT, Kim Scanlon <> wrote:

Dear Mr. Viglione:


Attached please find my response in the above-captioned matter.


Thank you.


Very truly yours,



Kimberly M. Scanlon

City Solicitor

Records Access Officer

City of Medford

City Hall

85 George P. Hassett Drive

Medford, MA 02155



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7:55 pm