Saturday, February 19, 2022

Putin Puppet Anatol Lieven and Fox News a Danger to the World

 Anatol Lieven

Quincy Institute
Washington DC

Senior Research Fellow

To Fox News and Quincy Institute

I am officially banning crackpot Anatol Lieven from my television program, Visual Radio.

Lieven is part of the Fox News anti-America, anti-World propaganda machine, and appears
to be a puppet of Vladmir Putin.

 Biden’s handling of the Russia Ukraine conflict 'contemptible': foreign policy analyst

We must err on the side of caution.   Putin is acting in a fashion that is beyond bizarre, even
for him!  

Telling people to get to safety is a reason to appreciate Joe Biden.

Marisa Schultz writes, in typical Fox News hate-speech:
"This has a terrible effect on the Ukrainian economy and international confidence in Ukraine, 
and thereby undermines Ukrainian independence," Lieven said. 
"Meanwhile the USA pumps Ukraine full of weapons that will not defeat Russia and could even provoke a Russian attack."

Oh, please!   What lunacy!   

If Donald J. Trump wrote a check to Mr. Lieven make sure you go to the bank to see if the money's there!
Get your cash from Vladmir, Anatol!   At least you know it won't bounce!!!!

I'm proud of Joe Biden and glad the criminal investigation into Donald Trump and his family is ongoing.

But this stuff on the Fox phony news website, so un-American


Joe Viglione