Thursday, February 10, 2022

Will Kerry Krackpot Rear Her Ugly Ideas with Baker Easing Up on MASKS?

 9:48 am Feb 10 2022 Thursday

The fallout from Baker’s mask move

Baker’s decision comes as blue-state governors across the country relax their mask rules. Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont is targeting the same date as Baker to ease his school mask mandate; the governors of Rhode Island, New Jersey and Delaware intend to follow suit in March.

School districts here are now grappling with whether students and faculty should mask up or down. As they deliberate, Glenn Koocher, executive director of the Massachusetts Association of School Committees, warned that school board meetings could grow contentious.

“The parents who have always supported masking, which is the vast majority, may not be comfortable unmasking all the kids. The anti-maskers, who are a small but extremely vocal faction, will want the masks taken off immediately,” Koocher told Playbook. “When it kicks back to the local level, it can be kicking local school board members in the behind from the perpetually disgruntled.”