Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Breanna Lungo-Koehn Endorses Violent, Criminal Behavior of Edward P. Finn. Sick and Disgusting Page Views Past 61 days 41,169 visits!

6:06 pm May 31 2022  All Time page views 2249108

 After violent Edward P. Finn skipped out on a subpoena to criminal court, another crime, and after Finn viciously attacked a senior citizen, your mayor said this:

“He never took sides,” Councilor Breanna Lungo-Koehn explained. “He's just a great guy, and he will be very missed.”

No, Breanna, Ed Finn was a violent criminal who skipped out on a subpoena to criminal court where the judge could have thrown the book at him. So much for Breanna throwing senior citizens under the bus for her criminal friends. Plural. Rat bastard Richard F. Caraviello, Officers Covino and Faller all in on the twisted, criminal game, and they should ALL be in prison for a long stretch. What does Covino's son think of his daddy's vulgar behavor?