Friday, May 27, 2022

Mayor Lungo-Koehn swept the taxpayer-funded report under the rug.

 3:07 pm 611 page views in 15 hours  see stats below

Mayor Lungo-Koehn swept the taxpayer-funded report under the rug. The editor of this news site had to fight Mark Rumley HARD and We the People PREVAILED over the nefarious ex city solicitor.

A third of the police force is corrupt, on record, and when you add the wrongful conduct of ex chief Sacco, Jimmy Lee, Captain Faller, Paul Covino, my pal Harry MacGilvray not realizing that you don't do a political statement and make a mockery of the uniform. And end up in Boston magazine in a not very flattering light. They don't get it because they get away with it. Chief Sacco's son not getting a breathalyzer and field sobriety test. These neo-mobsters play by their own set of rules, which is why Mayor Lungo-Koehn needs to stop wearing those rose-colored glasses and clean up one of the most corrupt police forces in all of Middlesex County, according to D.A. Marian Ryan's Brady/Giglio list!
The L'Italien Report - just tell people word-of-mouth to type in
tiny url dot com forward slash medford police misconduct to get to this page.
 3:07 pm 611 page views in 15 hours  see stats below