Adam Knight
October 31, 2013 at 08:33 PM
Ron, I would love to send you some more information about
my qualifications and why I would be a good choice for one of your seven
City Council votes. However, I can not seem to find any Ron Swanson
that is registered to vote in the City of Medford's listing book of
registered voters, so I am having difficulty doing such. Shoot me an
email at if you would like to learn a bit more
about my candidacy. Thanks -ADAM
Adam, please note, "Ron Swanson" (as in "Swan School" or "Swan Song for McGlynn") allegedly wrote under the handle "Joe" so people would think he was this writer. FYI. It's the TV3 crowd invading Patch under aliases. We discussed them on the city hall steps a week or so ago. I do appreciate your position on TV3. Thank you.