Saturday, April 8, 2017

222 days to Election Day April 8 2017 - November 7, 2017

222 days to Election Day,%20November%207,%202017&p0=43&ud=1&year=2017&month=11&day=7&hour=8&min=0&sec=0&fromtheme=generic

How Trump Has Divided Medford and Our Great Nation

Make America Hate Again

With Kermit the Frog right next to him, Jared Kushner,  the poor man's Ashton Kutcher, Donald Trump is hell bent on making America hate again.

Vladmir Putin is drooling with anticipation, like Pavlov's dog in a boxing ring, pouncing every time that he hears the bell.

Donald Trump sold out Amercia, and there are crazies in your community and mine that actually drink the Apprentice Kool-Aid, following the Jim Jones model of a fraud president like the blind following a blind pied piper, right into the ditch.

Medford is tainted by the Trump election as much as any other city or town in America.

That will be revealed on Sunday

Do stay tuned.

Rex Tillerson, Jared Kushner's Understudy

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was hired to be America’s top diplomat, but less than three months on the job has proven he is definitely not. As president of Exxon Mobil, Tillerson, 65, was one of the most powerful people in the world, enjoying lucrative work away from the spotlight. A few months later, the secretary of state has found himself in a job-share with a 36-year-old foreign policy neophyte married to the president’s daughter. 
The administration’s airstrikes in Syria Thur