Monday, April 10, 2017

I have a Question for Barbara Vivian!


if the fix is in for Attorney Driscoll,
why in God's name does he have to drone on and on like some kind of filibuster on a Donald Trump Supreme Court nominee!


Tempone Manor residents are planning a buzzer, if they see Jeff Driscoll coming, they RUN! before he strikes up a one-sided conversation.

Jeff Driscoll about 20:15 in:

"When your son (Jonathan Driscoll) speaks, we hear your voice come out!"

Remember our Attorney Anthony Arena parody?

Thanksgiving dinner where former city councilor Mark Arena repeated everything daddy said!   

Too funny, we'll have to pull this out for the
Driscoll Law Firm....

The more things change...the more they stay the same.

We already have a not-very-flattering comment about Jonathan Driscoll from one of our informants...a similar comment to what was said about Brian D. Skerry, Esq. back in the day ("How did HE ever get a law license?" one friend of a BDS client asked me personally!)

Faithful readers know it wasn't a compliment.

("How did HE ever get a law license?" one friend of a BDS client asked me personally!)

Hey, don't blame me, I'm just the messenger.

But at least Brian is cute, while his old man is known around Medford as "old prune face."

a.k.a. The Crackpot Attorney!