Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Caraviello. Vs. Ruggiero

1,179,881@7:53 pm
1,179,843@5:43 pm

Both individuals are self-serving, however, Ruggiero is not yet part of the sick system

Ruggiero has problems, yes, but Caraviello IS the problem

That our Medford political system is so broken and open to rampant corruption means that the only solution will arrive when a more pernicious situation arises  beyond lies about a gun clip, fraudulent CORI checks and outrage over a methadone clinic

Some ugly fat slob working in concert with a District Attorney with dirty, filthy hands is beyond an indicator, it is proof positive  that gangsters in positions of power want to steal your money and deny you basic civil rights

Mike Ruggiero dreams of that power to harass and besmirch with impunity. She only got my vote because as an obvious nutcase with delusions of grandeur better to let her be a pain in Caraviello’s ass on the school committee. It wasn’t a vote logical people wanted to make.  A vote for Mike Ruggiero was merely a poison pill to disrupt a toxic system with some radioactive fruitcake

Don’t expect Neil Osborne or Paul Roseau to come to the rescue either. Medford is in disarray and young power couples are clueless about the bastard Administration bringing further ruin to this city