Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Why did the District Attorney, Marian Ryan, Allow Resources to be Wasted with a Jeffrey Yao on the Loose?

1,184,890 @ 3:54 pm 
 Was Marian Thinking what
Brian Burke was Allegedly Drinking?

You've got a psychopath in Jeffrey Yao disturbing the peace on a regular basis.

But Marian, darling, is "busy, busy, busy," Gene Hackman (Runaway Jury) trying to peek inside of this very blog.

There's stupid and then there's a District Attorney stalking a damn blog!

Blog-Stalking Marian let Jeffrey Yao slice and dice a young lady, because Marian was fixated on me!

OK, we know I've got a marvelous sense of humor, great timing, and a way with words.
Marian is as obsessed with me as some teenager with their Marvel and DC comic books.

So how does that help you, dear citizen, when a Jeffrey Yao is on the loose with his kitchen knife and insanity?

It doesn't.  It simply doesn't.

And Raquel Frisadi obviously doesn't give a damn about her license to practice law, her reputation or ethics (ethics? What ethics?) when she goes after some innocent old homosexual to beat up in criminal court like she's got nothing better to do.

Were I the District Attorney that kind of stuff - enabling Chief Leo A. Sacco, Jr. and Richard F. Caraviello, would result in Sacco and Caraviello behind bars for a week, ON FACEBOOK LIVE, before we fire them and fine them for insubordination.

To quote Laura Linney in Primal Fear "but that's me."

Marian, your disgraceful actions should get you disbarred.

In a perfect world.