Sunday, July 15, 2018

Open Letter To Mrs. Burke - Full Length Version

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1st draft. Have Mr. Rumley edit! :) 

Why is Mayor Muccini Burke so negligent when it comes to public access television? 

Imagine of Mrs. Muccini-Burke had appointed Joe Forch, producer C.D. and yours truly to the Cable Advisory Board - you would have: 

a)a flourishing access TV center with dozens of new members, not the old TV3 cronies invading the space 

b)an indemnification agreement that makes sense 

c)Medford history documented and preserved at the library and at City Hall on hard drive, servers and on hard copy DVD 

d)facilitation of local programming and outreach. 

There would be a very basic and effective strategy for the future of access while servicing the community. 

But you don't have that under Mrs. Burke; she hoards access TV for herself, is very shady on how the money is spent, and surrounds herself with unqualified "yes" men and women 

Jay Campbell, Chair. As evidenced by Campbell's performances on my Facebook LIVE videos of the meetings, Campbell is a terrible chair of a board, and even worse when it comes to access TV 

He brags about wanting to do his own real estate show, a monstrous conflict of interest, is learning the ropes (poorly) as he goes along, and opens his mouth and removes all doubt regarding his lack of knowledge of P/E/G and inability to put a smart, beneficial timetable together to benefit the community. 

Yvette Wilks Yvette is a good person who is at least in access TV, but she too has no sense of urgency, no sense of direction, just read her absurd response to being appointed to the board to see her lack of focus: 

“It doesn’t happen immediately, but when you are at the end you really feel a warmth of love and privilege to have been given such a gift,” said Yvette Wilks. “This is how I feel about being involved with the Cable Advisory Board, it is a gift.” Yvette Wilks 

NO, Yvette, it's not a "gift," it's an opportunity that you are squandering. 

Instead of Yvette's stupidity, here is what a real advisory board member would have said, one who gives a damn about the community and truly knows access television: 

"Thank you, Mayor Burke, for the appointment. This is all about the public and the cable TV subscribers who pay the freight; it is a service industry and about the public, we are merely those behind the scene who humbly work to uphold the 1st Amendment to the Constitution and provide this public service. Public Access is like a community swimming pool where all are welcome and where bullies, like the former MCC TV3, have to be monitored or suspended for a probationary period. When a Steve Bertorelli is nasty to a Medford resident, as "Stevie B" was while at T V 3, when an Arthur DeLuca lies to the police, causes trouble, and is investigated by Elder Affairs for multiple charges of alleged elder abuse, you can't have a Jay Campbell praising them for producing programming when they are the very reason people are staying away from Medford Community Media. 

We don't want untrustworthy Paul Gerety from TV3 on a Chapter 74 Board that this writer found had violated the Open Meeting Law. What the hell is Gerety, the exile from MCC TV3, doing infecting our new station with his lies and false promises? Art Deluca, Steve Bertorelli, Paul Gerety - and you wonder why the public is afraid of TV3? 
Frxxx Pilxxxx from Tewksbury, Mass and Rxx Dexxxxx coming to the first meeting and kissing up to Ben Brown?  What a horror show. Fright Night at the new access station, the bad element that we worked so hard to get rid of rearing its ugly head. Begone, Satan! 

We also want to know where every nickel of the franchise fee is spent and after the accounting, want new rules so that the monies designated for access TV pay for access TV." 


That serves the public, not Yvette Wilks falling all over herself that SHE was appointed by a MAYOR and it is a "Gift" and "warmth" and "love" and that other horse manure dripping from Yvette's self-serving lips. 

Now to Gabby Follett-Sumney, a young film producer who admits she knows little or nothing of access TV and little or nothing about the city of Medford. I dunno, maybe having met the Maysles Brothers film producers (The Beatles, the Rollings Stones,) when I was 16 and features editor of the high school newspaper in Arlington, meeting Alfred Hitchcock in 1972, interviewing Jodie Foster and Robert Zemeckis in the recent past, and producing and directing the first documentary film on Rock & Roll Hall of Fame artist Marty Balin of the Jefferson Airplane (released worldwide on Music Video Distributors,) involved in the very sensitive negotiations between Balin's manager and the distribution company, being Director of Research of a national company that produced PBS specials (An Evening with Paul Sorvino, featuring Mia Sorvino) etc etc. Maybe those qualifications frighten city hall because: 

a)my dad lived on Park Street in the 1940s where my uncle had a home 
b)my mom's side of the family lived in West Medford 
c)we had a business coincidentally ON Park St. in the early 1970s where TV3's former vice president Carl Galusi and prior to his being mayor and state rep Paul Donato would frequently visit 

I dunno, maybe having knowledge of Medford and having met and/or worked with famous producers and directors and Grammy winners, some visiting the old TV3, I dunno, one would think someone with this kind of involvement would be an asset, Mr. Fortunato, Mr. Donovan, Gravity TV*, Joanne Codi, Johnny Byers sports show, and the owners of music recording studios in our city, gee, you think any or all of the above might benefit the cable TV subscribers (*is Gravity still around? Video production service in Medford, Massachusetts Address: 311 Winthrop St, Medford, MA 02155) ???? 

Muccini-Burke's appointment of Ben Brown as station manager was a disaster. Brown was not as vicious or nasty as three of his four predecessors, but he failed to have proper audio of a city council meeting held at the Medford High School Marsha Caron Theater when all this writer/TV host had to do was step away from the microphone about a foot. 

Speaker after speaker had loud, screeching feedback, Ben Brown telling this 39 year veteran of access TV that he couldn't "run back to" the TV studio to change the settings. 

a)Why did he have the settings so "hot" in the first place? 

b)Why didn't he know to tell people to stand 8 inches to a foot away from the microphone? 

Quite simply because Muccini-Burke knows little or nothing about access television, how it works, and who is the best person to bring the studio to life. 

They hired Krissy Fraser from Brookline Interactive Group and Ben Brown from the same facility. Ms. Fraser can get downright mean and abusive. Just like the old TV3 that Jay Campbell refuses to discuss...because he can't, and he knows that it is in the elephant in the room that he knows little or nothing about. 
Now let's discuss the outrageous CORI check Mark Rumley installed so that, ostensibly, Mayor Burke could have the wife of her pal Mike Nestor allegedly check up on political opponents. 

Do a "search" on the rental agreement and see if you can find a CORI check on renters when cable subscribers are not only footing the bill but have to be scrutinized when the rule is NO UNSUPERVISED CONTACT WITH CHILDREN at the school. 

You don't need a CORI check to be at the school; it's preposterous, and allegedly could be a violation of Mark Rumley's oath of office. We certainly know that Mr. Rumley talked out of the side of his mouth when it came to access TV computers being at the library, which already has computers. 

Caron Theater Rental Agreement 

Cable subscribers are cheated by the mayor's current Cable Advisory Commission, 

So you have novices set to appoint the next station manager when Ben Brown, Dxx Sxxxx, Dawn Natalia, Jason Salzarulo, Big Steve Marra and Steve Klooney ran a three ring circus for almost two and a half decades? 

Mrs. Burke, the city has had over three decades and hasn't got it right yet. And now you have Yvette and her "gifts" and "love" and "warmth" and "privilege" saying as much as Yvette does: NOTHING 

You have the damn know-nothing Cable Advisory Board shuffling papers at a meeting , proving on camera that they don't know the names of some of the government officials they met with! Jay Campbell on a first name basis with everyone, keeping their last name out of the public record.

While you've got Joe Viglione taping those advisory meetings (and getting more page views than the school committee! merely with Facebook Live,) being proactive, fighting for access TV, shutting down MCC, putting his life and reputation on the line to make Medford a better place to live. 

John Falco and Michael Marks and Breanna Lungo Koehn were right to want Committee of the Whole meetings taped. And who do you think taped them? With Rick Caraviello, Fred Dello Russo Jr and Adam Knight calling the public information "creepy." 

Well, of course it is creepy if Caraviello commits a crime by lying to the police, if Adam Knight allegedly violates the rules regarding campaigning for elections and if Fred Dello Russo's money comes from his family, not his own honest efforts. Of course it's "creepy" to have a First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, Mr. Rumley, creepy if you have something to hide. 

Do you want access TV, Mrs. Burke, or do you want to spit on the First Amendment, you and Mark Rumley. 

Oh, as you know, that's a rhetorical question. 

I am here when you want to act like an adult, be responsible, and move access TV forward. 

Otherwise, you have Yvette, Jay and Gabby wasting our time. 


Joe Viglione 

Medford Cable Advisory Board Meeting March 22, 2018 
Posted on March 15, 2018 
Meeting Of Medford Cable Advisory Board 
Location: Medford Community Media – 489 Winthrop St. 
March 22, 2018 7:00PM (rescheduled from March 15) 

I. Organization of Chair and Secretary 

II. Presentations and Discussion 
A. The City Solicitor will be in attendance to present on the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. 

III. Station Managers Report 
A. Current Events 
B. Facility Updates 
C. Programming Updates 

IV. Other Business