Sunday, July 19, 2020

Susan Penta Speaks!

1,656,622 @ 11:51 am July 20, 2020
1,656,038 @ 7:17 pm  July 19

Joe Viglione's response to Susan Penta

Breanna Lungo-Koehn is taking steps that she thinks will ensure another term as mayor. She is sadly mistaken. If ignoring the adults who supported her, and many are angry (look at the mayor's political Facebook page, not her personal page and see all the defections saying that they won't vote for her again) in favor of teenagers and twenty-somethings disrupting a peaceful rally; if Breanna thinks that spinning the saga her way outside of reality (Breanna's claim that she didn't want to speak in direct conflict with a statement by Patricia Brady Doherty) well, Breanna must realize that 652 votes is hardly a mandate and Mrs. Burke is probably now thinking about running again. What a free for all the next election could be, and after Muccini-Burke polarized the city, Lungo-Koehn is fragmenting it. This is so illogical, but I am happy, Susan, that you are exercising your First Amendment right to speak out because we all need to. Bob Penta is a mayor the people can trust. 


I am not very political and I definitely don't like confrontation, but I am losing hope in our country, our state and this city I call home.
I thought that the Office of Mayor was supposed to be non-political. I thought when someone is elected Mayor that they are Mayor of ALL the people in their city...not some or the ones you personally agree with but Mayor of ALL.
I am disappointed that the Mayor and Chief are taking sides. I am disappointed that they chose to attend one rally and not the other!
Being able to see and have empathy for ALL "people" is what we need to do. As long as we keep separating black issues and white issues, as long as every issue is termed a racial issue... instead of caring about everyone as human and American, we are all going to lose what our city and our country is all about.

What a shame that will be.
There is good and bad in everything. There always has been, there always will be.
Let's work to correct what needs to be corrected.

11:51 am Monday 7-20-2020
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