Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Eunice Brown Imploding over at Medford (not so) United...I warned EVERYONE about that Crackpot Eu (not very) Nice Eunice...Told Ya So!

1,939,569 @ 9:55 pm   all-time page views    60,431 to two million page views

 Michael Marks asked me not to go after a couple of people who have now left the city

"We need more voices," Marks said to me.

My reply was simple.  


"We need quality voices."

One dude was the town drunk.  It was embarrassing. Another person, a woman, would speak out of both sides of her mouth and not be aware that she looked out of her depth.  Notice that the wannabe candidates run for an election, lose, and are not persistent?

This magazine is persistent, which is why we have an average of a thousand views a day with only 1,440 minutes in a 24 hour period.

Those with the loud mouths stopped being persistent.  It was about their tender egos and finding some attention rather than working from the heart: to make a difference, to improve the community.

If you think I do this for fun, you are nuts! 

My fun this past weekend (July 30, 31 and August 1) was putting vinyl in sleeves and then having a plastic wraparound on the cover.  Some people collect coins (I used to,) some collect record albums.   I'm putting a formula together to sell albums in bulk, but that I thoroughly enjoy the liner notes, the album covers (one box in my new collection is "best of" album covers, and they are stunning!)...well, that's a bit about me.   Politics?  This page exists because Medford is so damn corrupt and that pisses me off.

But I'd rather be posting album covers than writing about some very bad people like Michael Marks and Rick Caraviello.   The sooner they've gone the way of Fred Dello Russo, Jr. and Bob Maiocco, the better.  Life improves when you deduct those frauds from the conversation.  I can tell you that from personal experience.

Mr. Marks is eloquent and smart.  His skills as a speaker are unmatched.  Too bad he's such a jerk.

And therein lies another problem. When they have some semblance of intelligence and make poor choices, what good are they?   With evidence in hand I wrote Michael Marks off.  He simply can't be trusted.  Just another selfish politician.


The hissing contests between Rumley and Marks on video from the city council are classic comedy.  Too bad they came at the expense of the voters and taxpayers, which proves my point.  Mark Rumley and Michael Marks care nothing about you.  They love being "famous" within the city limits.  It's a faulty position to be in because NO ONE knows them outside of Medford.  Even "as counsel" in Malden, Rumley is the invisible man working for someone other than McGlynn.   Thankfully, Gary Christenson has reined Rumley's enormous ego in.    Making Rumley's ego fade to black is a miracle in and of itself,  Gary.  Thank you.

...back to the pint-sized crackpot at Medfraud Not_So_United


EUNICE?   With Anna Maria Pugnose Cugno forcing her way into Medford Divided, it was a formula for disaster from the start.  Eunice has pissed a lot of people off.


I need a button that will blare: "I told you so."

medford divided

thanks to the town loon, Eunice Brown.

Talk about LOW SELF IMAGE...can't she go open a sewing circle or garden club?  Eunice simply damages those who associate with her.  She shoots her mouth off with knee-jerk reactions and causes trouble.

9:55 = 115 minutes from 8 pm   174 views