Sunday, February 12, 2023

Manchuri-Koehn Con Administration Episode #2 David Rodrigues Goes for a Swim

  EPISODE #2 THE MANCHURIKOEHN-CON CANDIDATE: What is Breanna Lungo-Koehn's ex chief of staff doing now that he is out of a job again? Mr. Rodrigues' wife goes to work and David goes for a swim:


Squeal Ozporn:  I am now Captain GqP of the
Grand Q'Anon Party


Breanna: You've become insufferable....

Squeal Ozporn: You're stuck with me

Breanna: Don't I know it. 


Squeal Ozporn: What is David Rodrigues doing these days? You really made a mess of things hiring that jackass.


Breanna: It was a political hire for a friend, it is her cousin.


Squeal: And don't I KNOW that! A favor that backfired. What is that snake up to these days since he still can't find a job?


Breanna: His wife works, Dave Rodrigues swims all winter in the family pool. I snapped a video the other day - he thinks the Aquarium will forget his troubles and re-hire him HA, what a joke! He never got hired, really, in the first place....

 @MayorLungoKoehn former Chief of Staff no job again (remember ONLY member of the Everett administration unemployable) here Mr. D.R. is in Peabody sunbathing, read all about it in Episode #2 of the Manchuri-Koehn Kandidate: @daverodrigues @MayorOfMalden 


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MANCHURI-KOEHN KANDIDATE, NEW MEDFORD PARODY OF LUNGO-KOEHN ADMINISTRATION SERIES WE HOPE TO POST DAILY Producer Squeal OzPorn Presents: ....a drama for the Medford High School Auditorium @MayorOfMalden @MayorLungoKoehn @NOsbn4medford @MedfordMustangs