Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Part 2 candidates Night

Michael Marks: if parents felt - i have 3 children in Medford High School now - i would seek other options.  I opted to send my children to public schools.


Frank Call: Ms Martin, if Meadow Glenn were to close, I wouldn't want a Wal_Mart there.
No offense to Wal-Mart...Jeanne then stumbles and says that's a good question...the one thing I wouldn't want is more apartments on Locust st.  I would want retail, little shops that I can go and hang out at.  Use my computer and drink coffee.

Frank Call: What about another station's landing

Jeanne: If it is done like station's landing, OK

Nick you have Jim Morse

What stepHigh

jim morse gave a terrific response which I got verbatim and the cyberspace removed it. Morse said to have a Committee for the Cradock Bridge

 Neil Osborne - William Young
apologies Mr. Osborne, computer needed to be re-set during your speech on the allegedly polluted spot at Canal St in West Medford

Frank Call - Robert Penta 
Full disclosure - Mr. Call and I have worked togetber, part of full disclosure

The office of community development extremely derelict in the city of Medford

Nick - Mr. Camuso

Camuso: my record itself to support technology (Camuso skips out on votes too...note his record, he is a pathologial liar that can't be trusted)..."a lot of the infrastructure behind the scenes too...all six members of school committee working diligently on the boilers

Nick: asks a follow up

Gangster Tony Soprano has better diction than clown Camuso.

Camuso starts naming the School Committee to not have to answer the question

Young to Cappucci

Casino develop in Medford?

Cappucci is against it.  The house always wins, the senior citizens will get their money gobbled up ...Cappucci pivots to the new garage and says he would change his mind on the garage

Frank Call: Rick Caravello (sic) Caraviello

Frank Call asks Caraviello a question after Caraviello told him at a Council Meeting he doesn't want a question from him. Caraviello gave the full disclosure but what a joke

 Mr. Caraviello: "I as a city councilor will stand up and fight and not let that happen."  Really, Rick?  You just caved in on Frank Call, we can't believe you.
Shame on you, Rick, for not demanding a question from someone else.
_______________________________ Mark Crowley talks to Nick Iovino, the cub reporter working for a conflicted editor deeply, deeply in McGlynn's back pocket. 

Nick Iovino: What about the concerns that rising property values...

Crowley: Work with respect to mitigation folks directly impacted...