Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Transient stalkers from TV3 Medford invade Patch like termites

8,803 page views past 30 days
133,352 page views all time
"Just a Medford Delucca"
"Just a Medford Jamoke"
and other aliases of TV3 invade the Patch like a termite infestation.

Elaine, you should post your last name and your address if you are going to hurl wild accusations. All of us who speak at the council honestly give our name and residence. By signing your real name it gives credibility to your concerns. By hiding with one name or anonymous names and showing a bias, it hurts your position. By the way, Councilor Lungo-Koehn and Councilor Penta are professional and agree to disagree. They get along fine. Penta is a very loyal person who doesn't need anyone to defend him. I'm posting that here because you are out of control, as Mr. Gilman notes above. That being said, I personally think Bob Penta and Michael Marks and Breanna Lungo Koehn should have run for Mayor. Two candidates in a race where one is a 26 year incumbent is not enough, in my humble opinion.