Tuesday, February 21, 2017

NAYER as in Nay Sayor Mayor Burke Responds to Police Station Debacle

923,783 @ 5:49 pm 2/21/17

Another Chief Sacco Debacle!
Right now in the Committee of the Whole with pathological prevaricator Rick Caraviello, there's only a REPRESENTATIVE of Stephanie scheduled to appear.  Why bother?

5:30 pm Tuesday night

Doggies beware!  Stephanie wants PAY TO BARK. In fact, when Brian S. Burke barks around the house she allegedly takes away his alleged six pack!

Since the loan order request to begin planning the police headquarters was tabled for two weeks on Feb. 14, Burke said that her staff was working on preparing answers to the questions asked by the council during their committee of the whole meeting.

"We'll get a draft letter together and then we will put a formal answer to them on the various questions they have," said Burke.