Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Medford Housing Authority Documents - Part I

928,615@1:04 pm
Dear Readers,

This news site is vitally important, especially with the doors closing on the Medford Transcript (figuratively speaking, the free speech doors on the weekly paper,) and the doors permanently closing on the Medford Mercury.

I am working on a new business to create a PAPER news outlet for Medford distributed for free.  Stay tuned.

Medford City Hall is interfering in our free speech with lawsuits, malicious abuse of process and threats of lawsuits

These charlatans have lost repeatedly in court and they will continue to lose.

Forked-tongue jokers who out of one side of their dirty, filthy lips they yell FREE SPEECH, but when you put some sunlight, the best disinfectant, on their creepy behavior they yell Libel, Slander, Discrimination.

They are sickening thugs - duplicitous, thin-skinned and downright mean.

That being said, an entity like the Medford Housing Authority needs to have its information on the internet so that all citizens can see how this PUBLIC entity SERVES the public.

It is time to educate them.

The education will begin in a few days as I go through the materials.

You see, unlike Ed Finn, I have a real job and real work to do, so these essays uploaded to this information site are a true labor of love that deserve your respect.  And the respect of City Hall.


I don't have to wear three dozen hats like a certain charlatan on the second floor of city hall.  My hard work speaks for itself.