Wednesday, February 22, 2017

THANK YOU Cousin David McGlynn for the Compliment

924,293 @ 8:45 AM

A "Seasoned Veteran" of the courtroom, sayeth his majesty David P. Skerry

seasoned - Dictionary Definition :
Seasoned describes a person who has been around forever, doing what they do, and doing it well — throughout the seasons. They have ... Synonyms: veteran.


'I can make it Six in Four!"
(I could publish a really FUNNY response but, discretion being the better part of valor...)

"You Probably Have"
In response to a respectful notation that this journalist has probably won more court cases than Skerry's handsome -albeit deficient - attorney son!

"Your Honor, HE KNOWS RULE 9a BETTER THAN MOST ATTORNEYS" (Skerry all flustered in Middlesex Superior court and the judge smiling and ignoring him!  It was a thing of beauty! - and a certain reprobate who thought he was a genius (though the tv3 president allegedly said "we know the kid has no talent) has to stay away from Tony's Gas and this writer's home)